Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gutter Humor

This weekend at the Sunday matinee of Springfield Ballet Company's production of The Nutcracker, a funny thing happened. During the Battle Scene they shoot off a canon, but instead of a loud POP, we got what sounded like a squeaky fart. The entire audience laughed and the tech crew fell out!

Every time I watch Elf and Will Ferrell lets out that long belch, I giggle like an idiot.

This Jon Stewart clip is along those same humor lines...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Most Immature Montage Ever - Cash for Caulkers
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Asshole of the Week

possibly the year...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Danger-prone Daphne alive and well and living in me!

For Thanksgiving, Mark & I drove out to Homewood to spend the day at Leigh and Doug's house. I made a pumpkin pie and homemade whipped cream! On the way into the house, I slipped on the wood deck and almost bit the dust. Thank goodness for that fence or I would've ended up in a pile in the grass on top of the pie. With no grace what's-so-ever, I somehow saved the pie from getting completely smashed (although since I used organic and 2% milk it didn't set right and was a bust anyway). Crisis averted!

Mark was making the stuffing and I offered to help prep. Doug sharpened all the knives and I chopped onion, celery and leeks. Next - on to chopping the potatoes! We were all in the kitchen having fun. I came really close to cutting my finger and was in the middle of declaring as much when I actually did cut my finger. Yipes! I hate when that happens. I'm a chicken when it comes to blood - especially my own. So I grabbed my finger and jumped up to run to the sink and immediately smashed my face into the metal bar on the bottom of the cabinet. Classy!

After a few minutes of trying to stop the bleeding and not pass out, I recovered enough to enjoy the rest of the evening (with lots of wine). My finger is healing nicely -- although I must say that normal activities like curling eyelashes, tying shoes or texting become difficult without two functional opposing thumbs). Not sure if the bridge of my nose is broken or not...what's a girl to do?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Look at her.

Photo from the first Obama Administration White House State dinner.

Photo credit: Nicholas Kamm AFP/Getty Images


Thanksgiving is in 2 days!! And yes, I only love the holiday because of the food.

Muppets do Queen


(Tip of the hat to Perez Hilton.)

Rumor has it...

Obama may send up to 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Not sure, but don't think I'm happy about that.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Prez O and the NFL make a PSA.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

After delivering a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, President Obama (along with the First Lady) walked through Section 60 which is reserved for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mark Knoller of CBS News got confirmation from the cemetary officials that this was the first time ever a president has done this.

*photo by Luke Sharret, New York Times

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 40th!

Today, Sesame Street turns 40!!! Congrats to what I consider one of the best shows on tv.

Google is celebrating by creating logos featuring the cast of characters (see pic). Some fo my personal faves are Cookie Monster and Grover -- I seem to have a thing for blue monsters.

Who's your favorite?


On the eve of Veteran's Day, friends, family and dignitaries gathered today at Fort Hood to honor the 13 soldiers that were killed last week in the shooting massacre.
Pool photo by Rich Johnson, Fox News (via Mark Knoller, CBS News on Twitter).

Here you can read President Obama's remarks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stimulus at Work

The end of my street...

Friday, November 6, 2009

And this is too damn funny

Stewart channels Beck.

My Rep...


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Quote of the day

"Woo! I'm Elizabeth Taylor -- Cat on a hot tin roof!"

~woman in wheelchair after I startled her by coming up behind her to hold the door open.

Good Ole Ave

This was posted from a Daily Dish reader in response to Maine voting to reverse the right for gays to marry in the election yesterday...

Here's one of my favorite Lincoln quotes, from an 1855 letter to Joshua Speed:

"I am not a Know-Nothing. That is certain. How could I be? How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor or degrading classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."

Insert "gay" for "negroes" in the above and my point is made. His logic resonates still.


It's been a while since I've posted anything. Excuses? The usual: busy, lazy, not-focused, didn't have anything pertinent to say...

Politically, my feelings have been all over the map. I wanted to post extensively on the health care debate many times, but find I'm happy I didn't. We're going to get a plan - something of a compromise, but still a solid basis to build on (which will take years). I wonder if the public option would cover a psychiatrist so I can work on not being addicted to the talking heads spin cycle?

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of when Obama was elected president. Everyone, yes Everyone, wrote an opinion piece spinning it in their direction. I think he's doing fine. Yes, there are things I wish he would speed it up on and things I disagree with, but I don't think any rational person (not on a payroll to spin right) could say we are in a worse position than we were a year ago. Well, I guess they would bring up the deficit which we will need to deal with shortly, but first we need to fix stuff.

I still get upset with all the hate and negativity spewing forth. I try to limit what I read, but it still seeps through everywhere. Why is it those are always the loudest voices?


It's good to be...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Hillary!

HRC is 62 today! Best Wishes to our SOS!

*photo from

Friday, October 23, 2009

Health Care

We're nearing the end of the health care debate. It looks like it is a done deal - we just have to wait and see what it actually will be. There is a very strong chance that there will be a public option or at least a trigger or opt-out version.

In true focused form, the O team has let the mayhem happen around them (for the most part) and now is stepping in to say "get it done". All that matters in the end is if we pass something - do we have the votes. We'll see...I'd say before the end of the year.

Why, oh why do I let myself get all stirred up by the talking head, bloggers, etc...I can't help it! It's a disease.

All in the Family

The official White House family photo taken by Annie Leibovitz.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Finally, something to put next to my Obama action figure.

(Available at

Oh, Oscar

It's National Grouch Day!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vicki the Movie

Not about me...

I just watched this old film (really bad acting and cheesy music, sets, etc) -- I loved it! And one of the stars is Jeanne Crain...related to me somehow??

Friday, October 9, 2009


Our fave statistician breaks down the new Opt-out option here.

We might actually pass a non-hideous healthcare reform effort yet...whoda thunk?


is NOT ok!

OK has passed some frightening legislation, that I think could/should be unconstitutional. Read this.

I can't believe they are allowed to do this...

Peace Out

That's right. President Obama today won a Nobel Peace Prize. Say what?

And right on cue, the conservative fuckwits start their hatefest. It's really so tiresome and juvenile.

And for those asking "what has he done?", here is a list.

Personally, this was a much needed reminder of what this man is trying to do - what he stands for. It is way too easy (for me, at least) to get lost in all the bipartisan hate-baiting on both sides and lose track of why we like him and the incredibly difficult job he has taken on. Yes, the honor may be a bit premature, but I think it is deserved and will be an impetus for him to work that much harder to get some shit done. I hope it provides a kick in the...pants for Democratic members of Congress - and Republicans to help him pass some historic legislation.

We have yet to see what his legacy will be, but at least the Norwegians have put their faith in him.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Evolution Strikes Again!

Old Chuck (Darwin) must be chuckling...wherever he is. MORE evidence was found!

Creationism, say what?

Going rogue...

Sarah Palin's much anticipated book (it' already #1 in pre-sales on Amazon), Going Rogue comes out on November 17th. Here is a preview of the cover.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

happy birthday to me

Wow - dinner at Chris & Parker's Friday; brunch & GLEE w/ Josh - then drinks, Bayshnikov and dinner w/ Mark on Saturday; cupcakes w/ Tess & John, another brunch, dog park, Lakeview East Arts Festival (maybe T Dance at Spin) on Sunday...

I'm too old for this.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sullivan on Obama

I know this is only one opinion (with which I happen to agree), but I don't "get" how so many people are saying Obama is doing such a horrible job.

Cobert on Racism

He's so wrong, but I miss him so.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This makes me smile

Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan.

This photo series of the Obama girls greeting their dad made my day.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney had surgery on his back this morning. When I heard it on NPR, I had a moment of "what if...", then quickly realized I'm better than that. I shouldn't wish ill on someone else EVEN if they have done unspeakably horrible things to others.

Actually, not true. I do wish ill on him in the form of standing trial (preferably at The Hague) and being sentenced to a long and "torturous" stint in jail. I never said I was nice ALL the time.

Happy Constitution Day!

Yep...really. Take some time this weekend to reflect on what it stands for...

I've been having some issues lately with the First Amendment. For it, but it is workin' my last nerve.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Mourning Patrick Swayze.
I can't count how many times I've watched Dirty Dancing and Ghost and the hotness of Patrick and Keanu in Point Break, well....

Here is a memorial blog article from Rolling Stone.

I'm kind of at a loss for what to say. He will dance forever in our hearts and on the screen.


lost in the finals of the US Open...


Monday, September 14, 2009

Word of the Day


Just 'cuz.


Watch the video clip of Federer's amazing return from the US Open semi-finals yesterday.

He is a tennis god!

New Rule (to me)

No wonder I'm so partial to those 28-year-olds...ha!

Bad News Bears

Not only did we lose miserably (how many interceptions?) to the Packers last night, but Urlacher's dislocated wrist will have him out for the rest of the season.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm going to the Celtic Fest at Grant Park today. I'm part Scott-Irish...somewhere down the line. Lobster, pumpkin and good music and dancing. Should be fun!

I hope since we're in the FlyNovaScotia tent that there's a raffle for free airline tix!!! I want to go see the pumpkin races.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

From the grave

Senator Kennedy may not have been in the room physically last night, but he was certainly there in spirit, family and name. The White House released the letter from Sen. Kennedy to the President that was quoted in last night's speech.

Here is the full letter.

DB Watch: Asshat edition

Last night during President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congres, SC Rep Jow Wilson decided to yell back the Prez calling him a liar in front of...oh, the whole world. Smart move asshat.

First, the President wasn't lying about the bill not covering illegal immigrants. Tons of sites today posted teh e wording of at least one of the bills under consideration. On page 143, lines 3 - 7 of bill H.R. 3200, SEC 426 it says:


Hmm. Pretty straight forward. Politifact checks Wilson's claim out too. FALSE.

Second, I don't care who you are or what bullshit the President is saying (No WMDS?) -- YOU DO NOT HECKLE OR HARASS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Rude, disrespectful, assinine and it is against House rules. Nancy, what are you going to say to this schmuck? Some Dems are calling for a censure if he doesn't apologize on the House floor (which he refused to do today).

Even if you don't like him or agree with him, you respect the office.

The good thing coming out of this is that Wilson's opponent in the upcoming election has reportedly raised a ton-o-cash off of his disruptive outburst. See ya later asshat.


Yet another example of inane hypocrisy by the GOP. Nice familiy values.

BTW -- apparently he resigned today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Here is the complete text of President Obama's eulogy at the funeral of Edward Moore Kennedy last Saturday.

I especially like this passage:

What we can do is to live out our lives as best we can with purpose, and with love, and with joy. We can use each day to show those who are closest to us how much we care about them, and treat others with the kindness and respect that we wish for ourselves. We can learn from our mistakes and grow from our failures. And we can strive at all costs to make a better world, so that someday, if we are blessed with the chance to look back on our time here, we know that we spent it well; that we made a difference; that our fleeting presence had a lasting impact on the lives of others.

This is how Ted Kennedy lived. This is his legacy.

New Book

(that I can't wait to read - even though it will break my heart and piss me off).

Dave Eggers - hot, talented, thoughtful writer and philantropist - has a new book out titled: Zeitoun. It is about a Syrian man living in New Orleans with his family during Hurrican Katrina.

Here is a diary from Daily Kos on the book - and an interview with the author.

Sad, but true.

A cartoon at

*You can click to enlarge if you don't want to put your glasses on.

One More Reason

to LOVE Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

They have changed the name of their Chubby Hubby flavor to Hubby Hubby in celebration of Vermont passing a same-sex marriage law.



A Brazilian ad company entered an ad for a competition featuring planed descending on Manhattan ala 911. The ad also prominently featured the World Wildlife Fund logo.

Does this sound like something the WWF would embrace? I think not. Here is the New York Daily News article that shows the ad.

Maybe they should sic some pandas on them??

Quote of the Day

Whoever decided to put the S and D keys so close together on the keyboard is on my shit list. There are too many verbs that can go careening from present tense ("features") to past tense ("featured") with an errant keystroke, sammit!

Bill from Maine - diary on Daily Kos

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good advice

from Elmo. Since it is September 1st - and officially Fall (in my mind) - a little advice on how not to spread germs from my favorite little red monster via Lynn Sweet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kennedy editorials

The Boston Globe.

The Atlantic.

President Obama...who will also be giving the eulogy on Saturday.


Does anyone else think that Robert Redford should play Teddy in a movie (maybe with some prosthetic jowls)? Calling Oliver Stone...

*pic from - a strang onion-like site.

Pictoral Eulogy

*The three larger pictures are from
The smaller picture of young Teddy should be cited to
The smaller pic of the Kennedy brothers is from the JFK Library.
The last small picture - I don't know, so no citation. My apologies to the photographer.


Some cartoon on Senator Kennedy's passing...

1. Scott Stantis - The Birmingham News
2. Walt Handelsman - Newsday
3. Clay Bennett - Chicago Tribune

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's a sad day

Senator Teddy Kennedy passed away last night. So sad....

It's rainy and gloomy out and fits my mood perfectly. I knew last week when he appealed to the Mass legislature to change the laws to appoint his successor more quickly that things weren't good -- and that he couldn't attend his sister's funeral last week.

I wish he could've held on to vote this fall (hopefully) on the healthcare bill. I wish he would've lived to see it pass. Maybe this will light a fire, so to speak, under the Pres and Dems to knock some heads and get something done.

And I hope if the bill that passes is true reform, that it has his name.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Remember when the other side is losing their shit it means you're winning.

Blogger "whyknot" @ firedoglake

Friday, August 14, 2009

Death Wish

If the GOP is really in it's final death throws, can I be on the "death panel" that votes to pull the plug? So much for bipartisanship! Here is Krugman's take (I've been liking him this week - that kind of scares me).


The Deathers

Here is a segment from The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc on the "deather" movement. Why isn't anyone in the MSM challenging these people on their lies? To his credit, George Stephanoplous did counter Newt (ick) Gingrich last week on his false claim about death panels. "That's not in the bill..." - to which Gingrich ignored and kept on lying...

Rachel makes me miss my cable :(

Hit 'Em Where It Hurts

And no, I didn't mean in the nuts.

Quite a few advertisers have dropped from the Glenn Beck Show due to comments he made on Fox & Friends that President Obama is a racist. Unfortunately, the ads are just shown on other programs, so the network hasn't lost any money - but it's a start.

Watch Colbert have some fun with this news here.

If the right can rally people to yell, scream and obstruct, the left can boycott and hold out what they really want: money.

A Fun Alternative

Another place to shop for sustainably made products is Trader Joe's. I can't say enough about their brand's Lemongrass Chicken Sticks and Margherita pizzas. (I know, real healthy.) I also like the fun hawaiian shirts, ever-friendly staff and cheap wine (two-buck Chuck!).

Some of the threads I've been reading about Whole Foods were asking about TJ's business practices, so did some research. While non-union as well, TJ's does offer medical, dental and vision benefits to full and part-time employees (number weren't available) and offers to help pay for college for the managers. An article from 2005 at titled, "Fostering a Loyal Workforce at Trader Joe's" claims "high employee loyalty...and low turnover". It seems they pay their employees well:

However, if money is the prime motivator, Trader Joe’s may jump-start more than its share of careers in the food industry and will most likely never be a union shop. The company pays employees an average of $21 per hour, compared with an average of $17.90 at union operations. Add to that health insurance and retirement benefits, and you’ve got all the ingredients of world-class labor practices that don’t go unappreciated by employees or unnoticed by customers. Consider last year’s four-month strike by grocery clerks in Southern California. When picket lines went up around stores operated by Kroger, Albertsons, and Safeway, customers flocked to Trader Joe’s, and sales soared an estimated 30 percent.
Even first-year novitiates or managers in training, can have a very lucrative financial package. According to the latest available figures from the company, the total compensation for first year personnel at this level comes to $47,429. This includes an average salary of about $40,150, plus an average bonus of $950.

As a sweetener, the company contributes about $6,329 to the employee’s retirement fund at this salary level. Other features of the compensation package at Trader Joe’s include medical, dental, and vision insurance; life and accident insurance; and paid time off. Additionally, the company conducts quarterly performance reviews, usually an annual affair at most chains. But what really sets the chain apart is the company-paid retirement plan under which the company contributes 15.4 percent of an employee’s annual gross income to a tax-free income retirement account.

Not bad. So, what do TJ's employees think? From the horses' mouths, so to speak, here and here.

More on Whole Foods

Apparently, at least in the lefty blogosphere, the Whole Foods boycott is getting good traction. Here is an article from Huffington Post on why this blogger will not be shopping there in the near future.

I also went to the Whole Foods website and looked at the forum. I only looked at the first page of entries on the topic of the ban (there were over 2000), but it seemed like both sides were being represented. It still seems like a strange pr move to me for him to be so vocal on a topic that a good portion of his clients don't agree on.

I say if we (meaning Dems, progressives, liberals, whatever flavor you which to paint those of us for healthcare reform) are getting drown out by the deathers and general lies being put out there, hit them where it hurts. I won't be shopping at Whole Foods (although I will miss the teriyaki tofu) until we pass a healthcare bill WITH a public option - and it wouldn't hurt if Mackey upgraded his employee's benefits too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tough Love

Union style! Watch out Blue Dogs, he ain't playin'.

Do we really have to resort to threatening to not fund or vote for them to get them to honestly work to better our nation?

Whole Foods Controversy

Today the CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, wrote an op-ed column for the Wall Street Journal. It has caused some controversy in the left blogosphere due the overtly "less- government-down-with-socialism" slant. Most of Mackey's talking points are directly in alignment with the corporatist GOP branch - and appearing the WSJ, a right-leaning newspaper add to the perceived bias.

A number of bloggers on various left sites are calling for a Whole Foods boycott citing, along with this new article, the CEO's dislike and work against unions. Here is one rebuttal from Daily Kos.

The thing that sticks out most for me (after the obvious right slant and GOP talking points) is the blatant self-promotion: shop at Whole Foods and you'll all be healthy and won't need insurance. Plus, the majority of people that don't have insurance (poor), can't afford WF anyway. Hell, I can't afford it! It seems as if he's more concerned with making some cash than helping even his employees get good health benefits. I don't quite understand the $1800/year for employees to use toward their deductible. Sounds good, right? But the deductible is $2500, so...isn't that leaving them with the short end of the proverbial stick?

What do you think? Is this a big enough deal that you would boycott (ala Wal-Mart)?

Milestone Alert!!

This is my 500th blog post!

The summer has been pretty boring with not much to do at work and Giselle being on the mend. I've been reading tons of books and enjoying Netflix (I have Chaplin waiting at home for me...can't wait!).

The past few weeks have been busy socially with Paul, Krenly, Mike and Krista in town, so I'm looking forward to cleaning and organinzing the condo (which never seems to actually happen).

I have a couple of articles in the works for CS and Front Desk Chicago - and just finished a blurb for the fall issue of Men's Book. I get to interview Lar Lubovitch next week...holy crap! The assignments aren't coming as fast or as frequently as I'd like, but I do like the one's that I am getting. Patience.

Culturally things are heating up too. I'm going to see (hear) Yo Yo Ma with the CSO at Ravinia, Joffrey's world premiere of Othello, Baryshnikov for my bday weekend and hopefully The Addams Family with Nathan Lane and BeBe Neuwirth when it opens for Broadway in Chicago.

I was a little disappointed with the outcome of So You Think You Can Dance this season, but the best dancer (almost) never wins. Today I came across an Entertainment Weekly article that has clips of 15 (of the author's faves) dances from all the can view them it here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh yeah...

we've still got that pesky climate crisis to deal with. Have we decided if it's real or not yet?

Quote of the Day

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality”

~ Dante Alighieri from Dante's Inferno


A belated congratulations to Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor who was sworn in as the newest justice on the US Supreme Court this past Saturday. She was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 68 to 31* (with Sen Kennedy being absent).

*stats provided by CPAN via Twitter.

DB Watch - Times 6

Here a sociology professor from Berkley breaks down the "Gang of Six" that make up the Senate Finance Committee. It will be interesting to see what they do when they come back from the fall break.

I don't think any bill without a public option will change anything. I wonder if they will choose to help the 47 million uninsured or line their (and the insurance industry's) pockets? Time will tell.

Medals of Freedom

President Obama gave out the National Medals of Freedom today. Full list of recipients and their accomplishments is here.

Sen. Kennedy could not attend - his daughter accepted for him.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just Cuz

I found this video while researching an article...yes, really.

One of my fave dancer, with one of my fave musicians set to one of my fave pieces of music.


Goodby Eunice

Eunice Kennedy Shriver passed away today after being hospitalized due to a series of strokes. What a strong woman.

Here and here are articles on her life and legacy.

RIP and quiet

More information on Billy Mays death came out this week. Can you believe this guy was on uppers?


He Can Read!

The Daily Beast compiled a list of books the Prez has been seen with over the last year.

I love Dave Eggers (but haven't read his newest).
I have the collection of Derek Walcott poems left over from college.
I want to read the Lincoln biography and Team of Rivals.
I started Post-American World, but got distracted with the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse series.

Perhaps, I should step up my reading list??

Seating Chart

The Washington Post published the West Wing seating chart. Cool!

Do you think I like this stuff too much?

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today marks the 200th day in office for President Obama. Steady as she goes...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To Reform or Not to Reform...

that should NOT be the question. But with the insurance industry lobby spending $1.4 million per day to say "it ain't broke, don't fix it", some people (most notable Republicans and moderate Democrats and their less than informed constituents) seem to be confused.

Once again, Ezra Klein talks sense and gets my panties out of a bunch. I forget to ignore the crazy 24-hour news cycle (isn't that partly why I got rid of cable?) and relax. This is going to take a while - and the WH hasn't really said what they're for yet. The Prez is forcing the Congress to...shock! their job and write up legislation to be debated. I would be happier if they would've done it before the recess - and if Reid would've grown a pair and threatened the Dem Senators with no vaca, but I've been disappointed before (especially with him). Wouldn't you have liked to be a fly on the wall when Rahm talked to the Blue Dogs?

F-ing Blue Dogs! Surprise - once again, or should I say still, it's all about money.

Meanwhile, the White House is trying to stay on offense, offering up a new list of consumer protections. How do people that are uninsured or underinsured not understand that the insurance companies, et al and the congressmen they "own" don't have their best interests or health in mind - only profits?

And now that the legislators are home on break holding town hall meetings, a large group of orgnaized conservatives are disrupting them, so no one gets to ask or answer anything of substance. Can you say astroturf?

I guess I count myself lucky. My representatives are like-minded (though I still send them emails asking them to vote for it). Living for ten years without insurance makes this one hit close to home - not to mention it is THE major legislation that O needs to get passed in his first year. Seriously people, we've been trying to pass healthcare reform forever! Chop, chop!

More Fodder for 24?

Jeremy Scahill (loves!) reports on the continuing saga of Blackwater. New testimony from two former(?) employees alleges that CEO/Pres/Christianist Crazy/Founder, Erik Prince engaged in illegal weapons smuggling in Iraq, acknowledged and encouraged violence toward Iraqis and may have put a hit out on a couple of whistle-blowers.

Wow! Can I also send Prince to that deserted island I have reserved for Cheney (aka the ninth ring of hell)? Evil walks among us -- and makes a kick ass profit.

Healthcare Humor

from Jonathan Alter.

Joke of the day

Via West Wing Report and Mark Knoller on Twitter...

"Bill Clinton heads to N Korea and picks up two women."

Har har!!

Happy Birthday

Mr. President!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

DB Watch - Fraud edition

Ok - this really gets my cankles in a bunch.

I love this!

The Prez had lunch today at the White House with a group of CEO's (Verizon, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Nucor) - and charged them for their lunch!! They had to give out their corp credit card #'s so it wouldn't look like a conflict of interest.

I hope they got charged for extra refills.

Hat tip: West Wing Report

Na na na na...

Hey, hey, hey...goodbye!

Yeah, I know, I'm a little late (since Palin's last day in office was last Friday), but the editors at Vanity Fair took their pens to her resignation speech. And since all writers have a healthy fear of the red pen, here is the cringe-worthy final result. OUCH!

Bonus feature: here is video of William Shatner reading her speech on The Tonight Show w/ Conan...priceless!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Just For Fun

Two recent Word of the Day entries from Urban Dictionary:

1. Cankles

The area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an abrupt, nontapering terminus; medical cause: adipose tissue surrounding the soleus tendon, probably congenital, worsened by weight gain and improved in appearance only by boots. From the English "calf" meaning wide portion of the lower leg, and "ankle" meaning slender joint of leg with foot.

"If I didn't have cankles, I might be able to wear those Prada loafers with my capri pants."

2. Weenis

Its actually the skin on your elbow.

"Ow, I hit my weenis on the refrigerator."

Feel Good Piece of the Week

'cuz I'm about to throw down on healthcare soon...

Read this story about a 5-year-old that knows how to make a difference!

Merc-e Me

Merce Cunningham, dancer and choreographer, died today at the age of 90. I only saw his company perform live once, but I really enjoyed how he merged ballet with modern. The dancers looked like ballet dancers, but moved in new ways.

His company will be performing in Chicago in October at Columbia College's Dance Center.

In Honor of Palin's final day as Gov

A spoof of her resignation speech from McSweeney's...

Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Creepy Good

The trailer for Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland is out...

Watch it here!


The First Lady's new do -
c/o New York Post blog

Monday, July 20, 2009


Liberals would have you think that reforming healthcare will offer many benefits to help children. Turns out they don't want it.

And I thought the GOP was the party of NO!

DB Watch - Racist Old White Guy edition

Wow. This clip of Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan is truly mindboggling. He is being honest and sees nothing wrong with what he is saying.

I know the Sotomayor hearing are bringing up all kinds of racist leaning in the GOP, but I was really taken aback at Buchanan. (More than once I've emailed MSNBC asking why they let him say racist statements on their network...)

Here is a Daily Kos diary rebuttal of Buchanan's theories. Some of the comments are interesting - read beyond the usual YOU'RE A RACIST! ones and there are some smart ones.

Example: Throughout human history, power, wealth and privilege have always fought against any and all challenges.

And the powerful and wealthy have always depended upon the lowest classes to do all the hard work, and that has always required keeping them subservient. The ultimate expression of that, of course, is slavery.

And the ability to maintain clear class divisions based on race and cultural stereotypes of superiority of the wealthy and inferiority of the subservient is a very convenient way of enforcing the class structure -- which ultimately serves the powerful, wealthy and privileged, of course. Hatred of the "inferior" only reinforces the boundaries, and makes it that much easier to suppress, with violence when needed, any attempts to break down the walls.

Plus, human beings seem to be genetically hard wired to mistrust anyone who does not look like and talk like they do. It is a trait that has far outlived its survival benefit, and it may yet destroy us before we evolve a better genetic model.

Buchanan is wrong about just about everything, but he is dead wrong when he says that white men built this country, especially if by "white men" he really means white, anglo-saxon, privileged men. This country was built on the backs of the predominantly ethnic and often non-white working class and the decidedly non-white slaves. Pat's "white men" OWNED the country, they did NOT build it.

from flitedocnm in comments secction -Daily Kos

Racist and classist. Here's to hoping that this particular subsect of the GOP either dies off or gets voted out permanently. It does no good for the country.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quote of the day

Ok, phrase of the day.

wingnut batshittery

Via Laura Clawson at Daily Kos.

First Pitch

The president will throw out the first pitch at the MLB All-Star game tonight in St. Louis. Here he is talking about his prep.

How cute is he?

Wapo's new Op-Ed writer

Sarah Palin? Yes, it's true. At the risk of being snarky (who? me?), I wonder who helped her write it. And, of course, it appeared in one of Murdoch's papers. Who offered her that mutli-million-dollar book deal?

Soon-to-be ex-Governor Palin wrote an op-ed taking on Obama and his cap-and-trade policy. You can read the full text here.

And here is a rebuttal from The Dish.

And fact checking from Media Matters.

I don't know much about cap-and-trade, but her piece really just seems to be saying "drill, baby, drill" -- nothing substantial or innovative.

Tuesday Quick Hits

*Pres. Obama nominated Dr. Regina Benjamin for his Surgeon General. You can read about her here, here and here. He's nothing if not poetic, even in his nom picks.

*Here is an article from the Washington Post on the grueling White House schedule.

*Yesterday President Obama gave his 200th speech since taking office. Mark Knoller runs down the stats here.

*Eugene Robinson takes on racism and the Sotomayor hearings for Real Clear Politics.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pres on recovery

President Obama wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post yesterday defending the stimulus..errrrr, American Reinvestment and Recovery plan. He also touched on building up our community colleges. You can read the full editorial here.

Poor Baby Goose!

Or...Hop-along Cassidy. I refuse to call her Veal.

Giselle tore her ACL and is confined to her crate when I'm not home (when I don't give in and gate her in the bathroom with a bone and a duck). We'll find out in the next week or so if she needs surgery.

And, to add insult to injury, the Dr. said she needed to go on a diet. How rude?

Note to self

Don't attempt to make iced tea after 3 glasses of wine and no nap.

Result: shattered pitcher, cuts on hands, burns on legs from boiling water and chunk out of hardwood floor. No iced tea.


Grumpy Girl

If you take my picture one more time...

Picture it: sophomore year, Homecoming parade, you have the flu and everyone is telling you to SMILE! Smile and wave, wave and smile...thh. I'm so NOT a beauty queen (at that age it was more of a popularity contest anyway).

Poor Ben.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Yesterday, Tai Shan, a male panda at the Smithsonian Zoo turned 4. He got a bamboo birthday cake.

And my Paulie turned...well, it has a 4 in it...TODAY!!! Happy Birthday! Oh, he got a new bike and tickets to see Wynona Judd.

Apocalypse Watch - Dad edition

Yes, that is Joe using a MAC?!?!?!?! His story is Mom tricked him into it by luring him with a website for a new car. Likely story...

G 8n't that cute?

The media is all a flutter over a picture of the Prez apparently checkin' this girl's butt out. Here is the Newsweek blog's explanation and here is a funny clip from Good Morning America.

Personally, if I were Pres. Obama and I was checkin' some girl out, I'd be way more careful. Michelle ain't playin' that.

Scary Stuff

1. Hacked! US and South Korean computers were hacked - apparently computers at the White House too. That can't be good.

2. Smuggled. The Government Accountability Office, on numerous occasions, found security to be lacking in federal buildings. So much so that bomb materials were smuggled through security check points. Oops!

3. My Mom called late the other night to tell me that a 24-year-old was driven to a secluded spot and sexually assaulted by her cab driver in Chicago. Thanks Mom!

Playing catch up

I've actually been busy at work this week. Finished writing copy for 6 ad videos, so thought I'd reward myself with a little blog time (even though I do have an article due next week I haven't started).


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

HP #6

Holy Crap! Watch the new trailer...

One more week - I can't wait!

Sad Day for the Culinary World

Well, at least mine. Oscar Meyer has died. How appropriate that I had a hot dog for lunch.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Franken Is In!

Watch this clip of Al Franken (D-MN) being sworn in today by VP Biden. The length of applause is pretty cool.

Just in case

The fear is that the current strain of the swine flu is going to regroup and come back stronger with immunity to the drugs now being used - probably this winter. So, here is a handy list for pandemic preparedness (via Daily Kos) from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) organization.

More BTC* from Alaska

Here is a clip (via The Dish) from CNN of Anderson Cooper trying to make sense of the non-sensical (aka. Sarah Palin's spokeswoman trying to defend the reasoning of her leaving the governorship). It's kind of funny...

Poor Anderson, he doesn't understand sports. It was probably all of those years hanging out at fashion shows with his mom.

*BTC = bat-shit crazy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.

Carl Sandburg

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Whoops...I can see your...


Today the White House released a list of all employees and their salaries. According to Mark Knoller (via Twitter), this information normally gets out by a leak from Congress - not posted for all to see.


In LA w/ PK!

I spent last weekend in Los Angeles with my peeps, Paul and Krenly. We had a blast just hanging out, driving around and EATING!

Love you two!!!

(isn't that the cutest little orange house behind us? on the Venice canals...)

DB Watch - Murdoch edition

Since Rupert owns the majority of the right-wing-slanted media, the onus falls on him.

Example one - FOX News (which I believe is listed as an entertainment network, not a legitimate news source).

Example two - WSJ (although it is an opinion piece, The Journal tends to lean right in its opinions).

Db Watch - wtf edition

Here is Glenn Beck...enough said.

Another one...

bites the dust (so to speak). Actor Karl Malden has died. I used to watch him on "The Streets of San Francisco when I was little.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good News

A step in the right direction to end the travel restrictions on HIV-postitive people.

Change is coming...slowly, but surely.



The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that Al Franken is the winner of the Senate election from November 2008. Finally! Coleman has conceded and Gov. Pawlenty is supposedly signing the certificate this evening. Franken should be sworn in after the Senate's fourth of July break.

That, my friends, gives the Dems a filibuster-proof majority (if those weasly Blue Dogs and moderates keep their butts in line).


New lingo

Urban Dictionary's word of the day is: take a digger.

Defintion: commonly used to describe an ungraceful fall.

Usage: Vicki is brilliant at taking a digger.

True that...and I bruise like a peach.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MJ too?

Now reports that Michael Jackson has died today.


This is so great! Nettlehorst School will be marching in this weekend's Pride Parade.

Acceptance starts at a young age.

Hat tip: Markwa

Farewell Farrah

Farrah Fawcett died today of complications from anal cancer. Here is a nice tribute from Newsweek.

I was a huge Charlie's Angels fan - and my brother, a big fan of the poster (me too).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And babies makes five

Sarah Jessica Parker and hubby Matthew Broderick (love him) are the proud parents-via surrogate- of twin baby girls!!


I call BS...


The Chicago cop that is on video beating a female bartender that refused to serve him another cocktail got probation...oh, and has to take anger management classes. I'm sure that will work.

What's wrong with this picture?

Monday, June 22, 2009

LOL funny

The thing I miss most about getting rid of my extended cable...Colbert.

Watch this clip of him attending basic training before heading to Iraq.


Sometimes you do want to go where everybody knows your name...where they're always glad you came. For me, that place is SideTrack the famed video bar in Boystown. After four days of being literally bored out of my mind (is it really possible that the girl who used to have more friends than anyone couldn't find one person to do anything with?), I decided a needed a little gay pick-me-up. So off I went, dragging my new gay (Hi Parker!) with me to show tune night. Luckily the back bar wasn't crowded and Todd (my frist gay) was tending. He always makes me happy.

Jorge, Tedd, Norbert, Matthew, Walter and Nathan...and part of the cast from Fiddler on the Roof, along with Parker, picked up my mood and kept me company as I set forth to drink all the Captain Morgan. Thanks boys!

Sensory overload

Since I was overserved (again) at my fave watering hole last night, I thought I'd treat myself to a Big Mac before work - yeah, my "diet" lasted about 2.3 days. I found a nice corner to sit and relax and eat my 29 grams of fat, but the sounds in the new Rock-n-Roll Micky D's did nothing to sooth my tired nerves. Downstairs had on Lite Rock - upstairs was some kind of old-style piano music. You could hear both! I continued to focus on my heart-healthy lunch when the music changed. Yay! it was country downstairs and jazz improv upstairs. Really? That added to the voices in my head was too much to bear and I quickly shuffled off to work. (At least the 3-year-old sitting next to me had the decency to quietly eat her fries.)

Depp in make up

again. Here are some pics of character in make up for the new Alice in Wonderland movie to be directed by Tim Burton. Should be creepy and good! Johnny Depp will play the Mad Hatter!!

A long engagment

The LA Times reports that Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett are finally going to get married. I think that's lovely.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A fellow "apologist"?

Here is an interesting OPINION of how Obama thinks and why he's governing the way he is right now by Marc Ambinder.



Does anyone read this damn blog anymore...

Another bone

for the GLBT community. The White House says it intends to include same-sex couples in the much anticipated (and debated) 2010 census - something the former administration refused or failed to do. Here is the WSJ article in full.

And speaking of the census, had this clip from wing-bat Rep. Bachman. I hope she gets fined.

What's up with Minnesota anyway? They've got Bachman ranting like the crazy person she is all the time (this is an example of the crazy fringe). Coleman who still refuses to concede the Senate election he lost LAST NOVEMBER and now Senator Ensign who is embroled in an affair scandal that FOX allegedly may have had a hand in covering up.

Remind me never to move there.

*Update: Oops, Ensign is from Nevada. My bad. Still, they have some nut jobs up there in MN.

And, if you want to get your geek on with all kind on info on the upcoming census, go here.

Tone deaf

Here is one of the many problems to overcome in dealing with an overhaul of the healthcare system. Really? If the insurance industry won't make any concessions at all - then I hope whatever new bill passes, it screws them hard core financially.


SOS Clinton fell and broke her elbow! Yipes! That had to hurt. My eyes tear up when I hit my funny bone (still not sure why they call it that).

Let's all wish Hillary a speedy recovery.

Update: Madam Secretary had a two-hour surgery on Saturday and is expected to make a full recovery.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Throwing the gay dog a bone?

I checked Facebook this morning - just to pass the time before work - and came across an update that really kind of pissed me off. A friend of a friend's friend (yep, that's right) was wondering what it would be like if Hillary had won. Fair enough - I used to ponder how different life would be if Gore had won. My issue is that it was a direct attack on Obama and his supposed throwing-the-gays-under-the-bus. He later posted a link to a Daily Kos post on the Prez's response to the GLBT backlash.

I get it. You're mad. You want what he promise you NOW! And because he hasn't redacted DADT and stricken DOMA off the books, as well as giving you all equal rights and nation-wide marriage options, your hot pants are in a bunch. I agree that it sucks and that it isn't fair. I don't see how -- because he hasn't done all of it in the 149 days he's been in office is throwing you under the bus or hanging you out to dry or being a traitor/liar/insert-pissy-queen-comment here. Yes, there is backlash. Yes, he hasn't changed any pertinent legislation yet. Yes, he does believe marriage is between a man and a woman. BUT - he also said he would be an advocate for equality and I take him at his word.

Congress has to repeal DOMA. Until they do, the DOJ has an obligation to uphold the law as it is written - no matter how flawed or offensive it is. This will take time. The states (ie. people) are declaring they want equal rights for gays. This shift is happening. It is only a matter of time before marriage will be legal everywhere. Take comfort in these victories, no matter how small, and be proud of what the movement has accomplished. Won't it be better if Obama takes his time to make sure good laws are written instead of just sweeping something in to make the LOUD and proud GLBT's happy?

Maybe I don't understand because I can get married. Maybe I'm defending the spin coming from the White House. Maybe I'm forgetting how fickle gays can be and how cut-throat they can be when they don't get there way. Maybe I'm being cold and unsympathetic to a cause because I'm hoping the end is near and all will be equal and rainbows will rule the land. Probably all of it.

On to the bone part: tonight Obama is signed in new benefits to same-sex partners of Federal employees. A gesture to be sure. One I know will not be "enough". It is act in the right direction, a promise for more, a nod that "we" are not forgotten??? Considering the Fed is the largest employer in the US (not sure where I read this fact) - that ain't nothing to sneeze at.
Here is the white paper on the new policy.

Now to address the "if Hillary had won" portion of the offense.

1. I don't think she would have won.
2. She would have had to go through the same process and legal channels that Obama is, so how much sooner could she have gotten anything passed?
3. The Clintons signed DADT into law in the first place. An attempt that in hindsight was fatally flawed.
4. STFU - she didn't win, so get over it.

So...I got off on a rant there, didn't I? Gays, what do you think?

A letter for Iran

This letter was written by Ayatollah Montazeri. I find #4 paricularly poignant.

I find it heartbreaking, but not surprising, that people are being killed and beaten for standing up for their voting rights. As of last night (their time) the protests had become silent. A calm before...what?

Some pics of the protests in Iran

*Photos taken from The Atlantic and Huffington Post.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Helping Hand

Feeling like helping someone out? If you're in the mood to give - not just your money, but your time, here is a new site where you can find local charities/programs that need volunteers.

Who's a Rockstar?

This is one of the "outtake" photos from Adam Lambert's Rolling Stone photo shoot (c/o Perez Hilton).

Crazy, sexy, cool.

Yum, sigh...oh my.

New pics of Armani's new ad campaign featuring the one and only - David Beckham.

Photos courtesy of Just Jared.

Election Day Iran. I'm pretty excited about the possiblity of Ahmadinejad getting his butt kicked. Even though the Supreme Leader is really in charge (not the President), whoever wins definitely influences what can happen (ie. continuing to enrich Uranium).

Just reading about such a high turn out in a democratic election there is a good thing.

Here is a rundown on possible outcomes and what that might mean for US from The Atlantic.

Along that same line...

I learned a new word yesterday...agitprop. Basically, politcal propoganda. It kept cropping up while reading op-eds about the Holocaust Museum shooting and the role some think the conservative pundits have had in exacerbating the right-wing fringe.

One in a million

On Wednesday, the millionth word in the English language was added to the Global Language Monitor according to a report from CNN.

The word: Web 2.0. Is that a word?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Best Acceptance Speech Ever

By The Onion at the Webby Awards (who limits the speeches to just 5 words).

And, since we're on the S. Street topic, I've been meaning to post this article that appeared in Newsweek a few issues ago.

And here is a link to a post I wrote about the show a while back.


It's about time. Just because you're pretty and have fake boobs doesn't mean you can not honor your contract. Sorry. I'm sure she will do just fine with all the publicity this will get her.

Look for her to be the face for NOM and maybe even a co-host spot on FOX News.

DB Watch - Rev edition

What an ass. Between Reverand Wright, Roland Burris and good old Blago, IL is getting run thru the DB ringer.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Important Step

Here is the full text of President Obama's address in Cairo from Thursday.

I haven't read all of it yet, but after hearing and reading excerpts and reactions -- it seems like a good start. And it sure pissed of some Israeli's. It will be interesting to see how the settlements issue develops.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Great Program

Literally. I saw this segment on ABC News yesterday. The G.R.E.A.T program stands for Gang Resistance Education And Training. Local law enforcement officials teach classes to kids as young as 3rd grade on how to resolve conflicts and have a healthy relationship with police officers.

Misogynist Much?

The non-office-holding leaders of the GOP have been crowing all over the MSM about Prez O's nomination of Sonia Sotormayor to the Supreme Court for almmost 2 weeks now. They've covered affirmative action pick (so?), racist (what?), reverse-racist (wtf?), not that intelligent (uh...graduated from Princeton and Yale) and now this!

Seriously? First, I thought Liddy was dead - and second, seriously? No one even said that about Hillary. Rude, crude and stupid. She's been a high level judge for over 17 years, I think she can handle it. Plus, she's in her 50's. She likely doesn't menstruate anymore.

G. Gordon Liddy - db of the highest order.


This is so cool. Newsweek EIC, Jon Meacham has asked Stephen Colbert to be the guest editor for next week's edition. How fun!

(BTW - I love the new revamp.)


New Hampshire has voted to allow same sex marriage!! The Gov should be signing the bill tonight...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

for Mark

breathe in light
so that you might
swim midst angels

Happy Birthday.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poor Hawks

The Chicago Blackhawks hopes for The Stanley Cup were ended by the Detroit Redwings.

Go Pittsburgh!?!?!?!?!?

New Movie Trailer

For Sherlock Holmes...

Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams and directed by Guy Ritchie. Looks great!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It was only a matter of time before someone I knew got killed in the war. That time came yesterday - Memorial Day. Terry Barnich, who was General Counsel for Illinois Governor Jim Thompson (back in the day when I was a Republican), was killed by a roadside bomb near Fallujah. Two others were killed and two more injured.

He was smart, good looking and a total smart ass who answered the phone -- Barnich! -- and loved to flirt with us peons at the Gov's office. I haven't seen him in many years and have completely polar opposite political views, but have tremendous respect for his intelligence and the work he was doing in Iraq.

He was due to come home in just a few weeks.

Here is a great write up on him from The Chicago Daily Observer.

Monday, May 25, 2009

One reason

why my dog doesn't like to wear clothes...