Friday, June 19, 2009

Another bone

for the GLBT community. The White House says it intends to include same-sex couples in the much anticipated (and debated) 2010 census - something the former administration refused or failed to do. Here is the WSJ article in full.

And speaking of the census, had this clip from wing-bat Rep. Bachman. I hope she gets fined.

What's up with Minnesota anyway? They've got Bachman ranting like the crazy person she is all the time (this is an example of the crazy fringe). Coleman who still refuses to concede the Senate election he lost LAST NOVEMBER and now Senator Ensign who is embroled in an affair scandal that FOX allegedly may have had a hand in covering up.

Remind me never to move there.

*Update: Oops, Ensign is from Nevada. My bad. Still, they have some nut jobs up there in MN.

And, if you want to get your geek on with all kind on info on the upcoming census, go here.

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