Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Throwing the gay dog a bone?

I checked Facebook this morning - just to pass the time before work - and came across an update that really kind of pissed me off. A friend of a friend's friend (yep, that's right) was wondering what it would be like if Hillary had won. Fair enough - I used to ponder how different life would be if Gore had won. My issue is that it was a direct attack on Obama and his supposed throwing-the-gays-under-the-bus. He later posted a link to a Daily Kos post on the Prez's response to the GLBT backlash.

I get it. You're mad. You want what he promise you NOW! And because he hasn't redacted DADT and stricken DOMA off the books, as well as giving you all equal rights and nation-wide marriage options, your hot pants are in a bunch. I agree that it sucks and that it isn't fair. I don't see how -- because he hasn't done all of it in the 149 days he's been in office is throwing you under the bus or hanging you out to dry or being a traitor/liar/insert-pissy-queen-comment here. Yes, there is backlash. Yes, he hasn't changed any pertinent legislation yet. Yes, he does believe marriage is between a man and a woman. BUT - he also said he would be an advocate for equality and I take him at his word.

Congress has to repeal DOMA. Until they do, the DOJ has an obligation to uphold the law as it is written - no matter how flawed or offensive it is. This will take time. The states (ie. people) are declaring they want equal rights for gays. This shift is happening. It is only a matter of time before marriage will be legal everywhere. Take comfort in these victories, no matter how small, and be proud of what the movement has accomplished. Won't it be better if Obama takes his time to make sure good laws are written instead of just sweeping something in to make the LOUD and proud GLBT's happy?

Maybe I don't understand because I can get married. Maybe I'm defending the spin coming from the White House. Maybe I'm forgetting how fickle gays can be and how cut-throat they can be when they don't get there way. Maybe I'm being cold and unsympathetic to a cause because I'm hoping the end is near and all will be equal and rainbows will rule the land. Probably all of it.

On to the bone part: tonight Obama is signed in new benefits to same-sex partners of Federal employees. A gesture to be sure. One I know will not be "enough". It is act in the right direction, a promise for more, a nod that "we" are not forgotten??? Considering the Fed is the largest employer in the US (not sure where I read this fact) - that ain't nothing to sneeze at.
Here is the white paper on the new policy.

Now to address the "if Hillary had won" portion of the offense.

1. I don't think she would have won.
2. She would have had to go through the same process and legal channels that Obama is, so how much sooner could she have gotten anything passed?
3. The Clintons signed DADT into law in the first place. An attempt that in hindsight was fatally flawed.
4. STFU - she didn't win, so get over it.

So...I got off on a rant there, didn't I? Gays, what do you think?

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