Monday, June 22, 2009

Sensory overload

Since I was overserved (again) at my fave watering hole last night, I thought I'd treat myself to a Big Mac before work - yeah, my "diet" lasted about 2.3 days. I found a nice corner to sit and relax and eat my 29 grams of fat, but the sounds in the new Rock-n-Roll Micky D's did nothing to sooth my tired nerves. Downstairs had on Lite Rock - upstairs was some kind of old-style piano music. You could hear both! I continued to focus on my heart-healthy lunch when the music changed. Yay! it was country downstairs and jazz improv upstairs. Really? That added to the voices in my head was too much to bear and I quickly shuffled off to work. (At least the 3-year-old sitting next to me had the decency to quietly eat her fries.)

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