Thursday, September 10, 2009

DB Watch: Asshat edition

Last night during President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congres, SC Rep Jow Wilson decided to yell back the Prez calling him a liar in front of...oh, the whole world. Smart move asshat.

First, the President wasn't lying about the bill not covering illegal immigrants. Tons of sites today posted teh e wording of at least one of the bills under consideration. On page 143, lines 3 - 7 of bill H.R. 3200, SEC 426 it says:


Hmm. Pretty straight forward. Politifact checks Wilson's claim out too. FALSE.

Second, I don't care who you are or what bullshit the President is saying (No WMDS?) -- YOU DO NOT HECKLE OR HARASS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Rude, disrespectful, assinine and it is against House rules. Nancy, what are you going to say to this schmuck? Some Dems are calling for a censure if he doesn't apologize on the House floor (which he refused to do today).

Even if you don't like him or agree with him, you respect the office.

The good thing coming out of this is that Wilson's opponent in the upcoming election has reportedly raised a ton-o-cash off of his disruptive outburst. See ya later asshat.

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