Friday, August 14, 2009

More on Whole Foods

Apparently, at least in the lefty blogosphere, the Whole Foods boycott is getting good traction. Here is an article from Huffington Post on why this blogger will not be shopping there in the near future.

I also went to the Whole Foods website and looked at the forum. I only looked at the first page of entries on the topic of the ban (there were over 2000), but it seemed like both sides were being represented. It still seems like a strange pr move to me for him to be so vocal on a topic that a good portion of his clients don't agree on.

I say if we (meaning Dems, progressives, liberals, whatever flavor you which to paint those of us for healthcare reform) are getting drown out by the deathers and general lies being put out there, hit them where it hurts. I won't be shopping at Whole Foods (although I will miss the teriyaki tofu) until we pass a healthcare bill WITH a public option - and it wouldn't hurt if Mackey upgraded his employee's benefits too.

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