Thursday, August 13, 2009

Milestone Alert!!

This is my 500th blog post!

The summer has been pretty boring with not much to do at work and Giselle being on the mend. I've been reading tons of books and enjoying Netflix (I have Chaplin waiting at home for me...can't wait!).

The past few weeks have been busy socially with Paul, Krenly, Mike and Krista in town, so I'm looking forward to cleaning and organinzing the condo (which never seems to actually happen).

I have a couple of articles in the works for CS and Front Desk Chicago - and just finished a blurb for the fall issue of Men's Book. I get to interview Lar Lubovitch next week...holy crap! The assignments aren't coming as fast or as frequently as I'd like, but I do like the one's that I am getting. Patience.

Culturally things are heating up too. I'm going to see (hear) Yo Yo Ma with the CSO at Ravinia, Joffrey's world premiere of Othello, Baryshnikov for my bday weekend and hopefully The Addams Family with Nathan Lane and BeBe Neuwirth when it opens for Broadway in Chicago.

I was a little disappointed with the outcome of So You Think You Can Dance this season, but the best dancer (almost) never wins. Today I came across an Entertainment Weekly article that has clips of 15 (of the author's faves) dances from all the can view them it here. Enjoy!

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