Monday, July 20, 2009

DB Watch - Racist Old White Guy edition

Wow. This clip of Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan is truly mindboggling. He is being honest and sees nothing wrong with what he is saying.

I know the Sotomayor hearing are bringing up all kinds of racist leaning in the GOP, but I was really taken aback at Buchanan. (More than once I've emailed MSNBC asking why they let him say racist statements on their network...)

Here is a Daily Kos diary rebuttal of Buchanan's theories. Some of the comments are interesting - read beyond the usual YOU'RE A RACIST! ones and there are some smart ones.

Example: Throughout human history, power, wealth and privilege have always fought against any and all challenges.

And the powerful and wealthy have always depended upon the lowest classes to do all the hard work, and that has always required keeping them subservient. The ultimate expression of that, of course, is slavery.

And the ability to maintain clear class divisions based on race and cultural stereotypes of superiority of the wealthy and inferiority of the subservient is a very convenient way of enforcing the class structure -- which ultimately serves the powerful, wealthy and privileged, of course. Hatred of the "inferior" only reinforces the boundaries, and makes it that much easier to suppress, with violence when needed, any attempts to break down the walls.

Plus, human beings seem to be genetically hard wired to mistrust anyone who does not look like and talk like they do. It is a trait that has far outlived its survival benefit, and it may yet destroy us before we evolve a better genetic model.

Buchanan is wrong about just about everything, but he is dead wrong when he says that white men built this country, especially if by "white men" he really means white, anglo-saxon, privileged men. This country was built on the backs of the predominantly ethnic and often non-white working class and the decidedly non-white slaves. Pat's "white men" OWNED the country, they did NOT build it.

from flitedocnm in comments secction -Daily Kos

Racist and classist. Here's to hoping that this particular subsect of the GOP either dies off or gets voted out permanently. It does no good for the country.

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