Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quote of the day

This is taken from Justashotaway's diary at Daily Kos. He was talking with his friend from small town PA (you know, one of those bitter gun folks) about his thoughts on Pres. Obama's press conference:

I ask him if he thought President Obama was trying to do too much, too quickly. I ask him what he thinks about President Obama trying to fix health care, and energy, and education all in one big push.

The guy says, "Hey, I didn't vote for him. But he's right. You can't put out a forest fire with a bucket."

I agree. We've got big problems, we need big solutions, and we need them right now.

In spite of his Republican leanings, Ryan can't resist. He says, "Damn right. Go big or go home. That's what he's there for."

*emphasis on money quote mine.

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