Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy March!

Here are the numbers of the day...

64 = percentage of approval for Pres. Obama via latest RCP poll.

92 = number of interrogation tapes of terrorist suspects the CIA destroyed as cited in today's news.

9 = number of Office of Legal Counsel documents that were released by the Department of Justice pertaining to a lawsuit brought by the ACLU (aka "Secret Bush Memos"). I hate John Yoo.

Good news: Evil Blackwater (scratch that they rebranded to Xe) CEO Erik Prince resigns to follow other unrelated ventures. Good riddance, but it scares me to imagine what he might do next.

And the understatement of the day (yesterday actually) from Sec. of Defense Gates when describing the differences between the 43rd & 44th presidents:
Obama is "somewhat more analytical"!!!!!!!!!!!

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