Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 51

Here are two versions of his schedule of events for the day (1 & 2).

A few items that are noteworthy:

The First Lady is speaking at the Intl Women of Courage Award Ceremony on the same day that Pres. O signs an exec order forming a Council on Women & Girls. Girl Power!

A House-Senate subcommittee (why does it sound like they meet in a basement?) are hearing about Russ Feingold's (D-WI) bill that would bar Governor's from being able to appoint Senators. Hmm...I wonder what brought that one up?

Oh, and it's Wednesday. That means Cocktail Party night at the WH!

We're at the halfway mark of the President's first 100 days. Here is an great article from The Guardian on how one Brit thinks he doing.

How do you think he's doing?

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