Friday, March 6, 2009

Game on.

Our favorite pantsuit-wearing SOS has been a very busy lady this week. According to this article in The Guardian, she isn't playing around while introducing our new multi-front anti-Iran policies.

Yes, I know I have been hyper-critical of HRC and not her biggest fan (even invoking hateful swearing rants toward her during the primary). In my defense, I never said she wasn't smart or that I didn't like her personally. I just didn't agree with the way she was running her campaign (and not managing her husband) and I didn't think she should be POTUS. In short, I wanted my guy to win.

I think she has the best cred to be Sec of State and will do a fantastic job. The woman has balls. I wouldn't want to be her opponent in a foreign policy debate, would you?

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