Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Sandals

Better known as flip-flops. (I bet you thought this was really going to be about shoes, right? Sorry.)

On the other kind of flip flop, Senator McCain is quickly becoming a pro. Once lauded as a "Maverick" (a nickname he still clings to and is using as a campaign positive), he seems to have forgotten what that word means -- coincidentally at the same time he captured (a little tasteless, but correct) the GOP nomination. Hmm...

Maverick: an unbranded calf; a lone dissenter; a non-conformist. (

Well, he is definitley marked with a big GOP on his ass now. I've seen no dissention from W's policies of late and he is conforming so much that even he can't keep his facts straight.

In "Loving John McCain", an article by Eric Alterman and George Zornick of The Nation, they cite statistics that have McCain voting with Pres. Bush 95% of the time in 2007 and so far 100% in 2008. (Although that isn't saying much since he hasn't voted since April.) In fact, his tax cuts are even more aggressive than W's with "39.5% of benefits going to the top 1% and 4.1 trillion in lost revenue over 10 years." Wow.

Alterman and Zornick also discuss at length the media bias for McCain. The MSM is still so enthralled with the "maverick" persona and his war hero status that they are letting him slide. I guess it doesn't hurt that most of the major networks and newspapers are owned by conservative Republicans (ie. Murdoch).

Just for fun, here is my list of his top ten recent flip flops*:
10. No negative attack ads.
9. Ethanol
8. The Estate Tax
7. Immigration Reform
6. Tax cuts for the wealthy
5. Windfall profits tax on oil companies
4. Off-shore drilling
3. FISA - illegal wiretapping immunity
2. Torture
1. Abortion

Yes, my friends, not only should his "Maverick" status be stripped, but his true values and character should be exposed by the media. Don't hold your breath.


**UPDATE: The Carpetbagger Report came out with a list of McCain's policy reversals. 61!!! and counting...
Here's a link to the article:

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