Wednesday, June 18, 2008


More good news...

The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute* came out with some more interesting numbers today. The poll shows Barack Obama leading in three key swing states (even leading in Florida for the first time). No one since 1960 has won the election without at least two of these states - although I think there are other viable routes.

Pennsylvania: 52 - 40 (12 pts)
Ohio: 48 - 42 (6 pts)
Florida: 47 - 43 (4 pts)

Of course this is only one poll - and I'm usually wary of poll numbers -- however, it does factor in over 15,000 responses and adds some crucial voter insights. It shows that Obama is leading 10 - 23% among women and is has a double-digit lead with the youth vote.

This is key. Peter A Brown, the Assistant Director at the Institute revealed these numbers: of people who voted for Bush, 13% in Ohio and Florida and 19% in PA are now supporting Obama. :)

I know I went on at length in my previous post about how he doesn't necessarily need these states...but the more the merrier, I say.


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