Friday, January 2, 2009

A Thinking President?

Who? President-Elect Barack Obama.
What? Yes, a thinking man is going to be in charge.
When? January 20, 2009
Where? Washington, DC
Why? Because "We, the People" said so.

This excerpt from a post on by Kathleen Reardon caught my eye the entire post here.

"We should brace ourselves for him to make decisions that seem at times contradictory to what he said during his campaign - not because he lied, but because he never got very specific. As the complex among us do, he left doors slightly open on major issues knowing he might need to slip through them to focus on more pressing ones.

We elected a complex man. If anyone expected he'd agree with any particular interest group on all issues, he or she wasn't paying attention. But if President-elect Obama thinks he can train all of us to think at his level, with openness and understanding, that we'll come around to his thinking even if he breaks our hearts, he may not have been paying attention either."

I've been trying to "brace myself" for what is to come even though I know it to be futile and impossible. I trust and believe in his judgement, but I'm already wary of the criticism to come (and some that has already regarding the Warren pick).

I wish him godspeed. I wish us the capacity to live with open minds and hearts.

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