The Boston Globe.
The Atlantic.
President Obama...who will also be giving the eulogy on Saturday.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Pictoral Eulogy

*The three larger pictures are from
The smaller picture of young Teddy should be cited to
The smaller pic of the Kennedy brothers is from the JFK Library.
The last small picture - I don't know, so no citation. My apologies to the photographer.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It's a sad day

Senator Teddy Kennedy passed away last night. So sad....
It's rainy and gloomy out and fits my mood perfectly. I knew last week when he appealed to the Mass legislature to change the laws to appoint his successor more quickly that things weren't good -- and that he couldn't attend his sister's funeral last week.
I wish he could've held on to vote this fall (hopefully) on the healthcare bill. I wish he would've lived to see it pass. Maybe this will light a fire, so to speak, under the Pres and Dems to knock some heads and get something done.
And I hope if the bill that passes is true reform, that it has his name.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Death Wish
If the GOP is really in it's final death throws, can I be on the "death panel" that votes to pull the plug? So much for bipartisanship! Here is Krugman's take (I've been liking him this week - that kind of scares me).
The Deathers
Here is a segment from The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc on the "deather" movement. Why isn't anyone in the MSM challenging these people on their lies? To his credit, George Stephanoplous did counter Newt (ick) Gingrich last week on his false claim about death panels. "That's not in the bill..." - to which Gingrich ignored and kept on lying...
Rachel makes me miss my cable :(
Rachel makes me miss my cable :(
Hit 'Em Where It Hurts
And no, I didn't mean in the nuts.
Quite a few advertisers have dropped from the Glenn Beck Show due to comments he made on Fox & Friends that President Obama is a racist. Unfortunately, the ads are just shown on other programs, so the network hasn't lost any money - but it's a start.
Watch Colbert have some fun with this news here.
If the right can rally people to yell, scream and obstruct, the left can boycott and hold out what they really want: money.
Quite a few advertisers have dropped from the Glenn Beck Show due to comments he made on Fox & Friends that President Obama is a racist. Unfortunately, the ads are just shown on other programs, so the network hasn't lost any money - but it's a start.
Watch Colbert have some fun with this news here.
If the right can rally people to yell, scream and obstruct, the left can boycott and hold out what they really want: money.
A Fun Alternative
Another place to shop for sustainably made products is Trader Joe's. I can't say enough about their brand's Lemongrass Chicken Sticks and Margherita pizzas. (I know, real healthy.) I also like the fun hawaiian shirts, ever-friendly staff and cheap wine (two-buck Chuck!).
Some of the threads I've been reading about Whole Foods were asking about TJ's business practices, so did some research. While non-union as well, TJ's does offer medical, dental and vision benefits to full and part-time employees (number weren't available) and offers to help pay for college for the managers. An article from 2005 at titled, "Fostering a Loyal Workforce at Trader Joe's" claims "high employee loyalty...and low turnover". It seems they pay their employees well:
However, if money is the prime motivator, Trader Joe’s may jump-start more than its share of careers in the food industry and will most likely never be a union shop. The company pays employees an average of $21 per hour, compared with an average of $17.90 at union operations. Add to that health insurance and retirement benefits, and you’ve got all the ingredients of world-class labor practices that don’t go unappreciated by employees or unnoticed by customers. Consider last year’s four-month strike by grocery clerks in Southern California. When picket lines went up around stores operated by Kroger, Albertsons, and Safeway, customers flocked to Trader Joe’s, and sales soared an estimated 30 percent.
Even first-year novitiates or managers in training, can have a very lucrative financial package. According to the latest available figures from the company, the total compensation for first year personnel at this level comes to $47,429. This includes an average salary of about $40,150, plus an average bonus of $950.
As a sweetener, the company contributes about $6,329 to the employee’s retirement fund at this salary level. Other features of the compensation package at Trader Joe’s include medical, dental, and vision insurance; life and accident insurance; and paid time off. Additionally, the company conducts quarterly performance reviews, usually an annual affair at most chains. But what really sets the chain apart is the company-paid retirement plan under which the company contributes 15.4 percent of an employee’s annual gross income to a tax-free income retirement account.
Not bad. So, what do TJ's employees think? From the horses' mouths, so to speak, here and here.
Some of the threads I've been reading about Whole Foods were asking about TJ's business practices, so did some research. While non-union as well, TJ's does offer medical, dental and vision benefits to full and part-time employees (number weren't available) and offers to help pay for college for the managers. An article from 2005 at titled, "Fostering a Loyal Workforce at Trader Joe's" claims "high employee loyalty...and low turnover". It seems they pay their employees well:
However, if money is the prime motivator, Trader Joe’s may jump-start more than its share of careers in the food industry and will most likely never be a union shop. The company pays employees an average of $21 per hour, compared with an average of $17.90 at union operations. Add to that health insurance and retirement benefits, and you’ve got all the ingredients of world-class labor practices that don’t go unappreciated by employees or unnoticed by customers. Consider last year’s four-month strike by grocery clerks in Southern California. When picket lines went up around stores operated by Kroger, Albertsons, and Safeway, customers flocked to Trader Joe’s, and sales soared an estimated 30 percent.
Even first-year novitiates or managers in training, can have a very lucrative financial package. According to the latest available figures from the company, the total compensation for first year personnel at this level comes to $47,429. This includes an average salary of about $40,150, plus an average bonus of $950.
As a sweetener, the company contributes about $6,329 to the employee’s retirement fund at this salary level. Other features of the compensation package at Trader Joe’s include medical, dental, and vision insurance; life and accident insurance; and paid time off. Additionally, the company conducts quarterly performance reviews, usually an annual affair at most chains. But what really sets the chain apart is the company-paid retirement plan under which the company contributes 15.4 percent of an employee’s annual gross income to a tax-free income retirement account.
Not bad. So, what do TJ's employees think? From the horses' mouths, so to speak, here and here.
More on Whole Foods
Apparently, at least in the lefty blogosphere, the Whole Foods boycott is getting good traction. Here is an article from Huffington Post on why this blogger will not be shopping there in the near future.
I also went to the Whole Foods website and looked at the forum. I only looked at the first page of entries on the topic of the ban (there were over 2000), but it seemed like both sides were being represented. It still seems like a strange pr move to me for him to be so vocal on a topic that a good portion of his clients don't agree on.
I say if we (meaning Dems, progressives, liberals, whatever flavor you which to paint those of us for healthcare reform) are getting drown out by the deathers and general lies being put out there, hit them where it hurts. I won't be shopping at Whole Foods (although I will miss the teriyaki tofu) until we pass a healthcare bill WITH a public option - and it wouldn't hurt if Mackey upgraded his employee's benefits too.
I also went to the Whole Foods website and looked at the forum. I only looked at the first page of entries on the topic of the ban (there were over 2000), but it seemed like both sides were being represented. It still seems like a strange pr move to me for him to be so vocal on a topic that a good portion of his clients don't agree on.
I say if we (meaning Dems, progressives, liberals, whatever flavor you which to paint those of us for healthcare reform) are getting drown out by the deathers and general lies being put out there, hit them where it hurts. I won't be shopping at Whole Foods (although I will miss the teriyaki tofu) until we pass a healthcare bill WITH a public option - and it wouldn't hurt if Mackey upgraded his employee's benefits too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tough Love
Union style! Watch out Blue Dogs, he ain't playin'.
Do we really have to resort to threatening to not fund or vote for them to get them to honestly work to better our nation?
Do we really have to resort to threatening to not fund or vote for them to get them to honestly work to better our nation?
Whole Foods Controversy
Today the CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, wrote an op-ed column for the Wall Street Journal. It has caused some controversy in the left blogosphere due the overtly "less- government-down-with-socialism" slant. Most of Mackey's talking points are directly in alignment with the corporatist GOP branch - and appearing the WSJ, a right-leaning newspaper add to the perceived bias.
A number of bloggers on various left sites are calling for a Whole Foods boycott citing, along with this new article, the CEO's dislike and work against unions. Here is one rebuttal from Daily Kos.
The thing that sticks out most for me (after the obvious right slant and GOP talking points) is the blatant self-promotion: shop at Whole Foods and you'll all be healthy and won't need insurance. Plus, the majority of people that don't have insurance (poor), can't afford WF anyway. Hell, I can't afford it! It seems as if he's more concerned with making some cash than helping even his employees get good health benefits. I don't quite understand the $1800/year for employees to use toward their deductible. Sounds good, right? But the deductible is $2500, so...isn't that leaving them with the short end of the proverbial stick?
What do you think? Is this a big enough deal that you would boycott (ala Wal-Mart)?
A number of bloggers on various left sites are calling for a Whole Foods boycott citing, along with this new article, the CEO's dislike and work against unions. Here is one rebuttal from Daily Kos.
The thing that sticks out most for me (after the obvious right slant and GOP talking points) is the blatant self-promotion: shop at Whole Foods and you'll all be healthy and won't need insurance. Plus, the majority of people that don't have insurance (poor), can't afford WF anyway. Hell, I can't afford it! It seems as if he's more concerned with making some cash than helping even his employees get good health benefits. I don't quite understand the $1800/year for employees to use toward their deductible. Sounds good, right? But the deductible is $2500, so...isn't that leaving them with the short end of the proverbial stick?
What do you think? Is this a big enough deal that you would boycott (ala Wal-Mart)?
Milestone Alert!!
This is my 500th blog post!
The summer has been pretty boring with not much to do at work and Giselle being on the mend. I've been reading tons of books and enjoying Netflix (I have Chaplin waiting at home for me...can't wait!).
The past few weeks have been busy socially with Paul, Krenly, Mike and Krista in town, so I'm looking forward to cleaning and organinzing the condo (which never seems to actually happen).
I have a couple of articles in the works for CS and Front Desk Chicago - and just finished a blurb for the fall issue of Men's Book. I get to interview Lar Lubovitch next week...holy crap! The assignments aren't coming as fast or as frequently as I'd like, but I do like the one's that I am getting. Patience.
Culturally things are heating up too. I'm going to see (hear) Yo Yo Ma with the CSO at Ravinia, Joffrey's world premiere of Othello, Baryshnikov for my bday weekend and hopefully The Addams Family with Nathan Lane and BeBe Neuwirth when it opens for Broadway in Chicago.
I was a little disappointed with the outcome of So You Think You Can Dance this season, but the best dancer (almost) never wins. Today I came across an Entertainment Weekly article that has clips of 15 (of the author's faves) dances from all the can view them it here. Enjoy!
The summer has been pretty boring with not much to do at work and Giselle being on the mend. I've been reading tons of books and enjoying Netflix (I have Chaplin waiting at home for me...can't wait!).
The past few weeks have been busy socially with Paul, Krenly, Mike and Krista in town, so I'm looking forward to cleaning and organinzing the condo (which never seems to actually happen).
I have a couple of articles in the works for CS and Front Desk Chicago - and just finished a blurb for the fall issue of Men's Book. I get to interview Lar Lubovitch next week...holy crap! The assignments aren't coming as fast or as frequently as I'd like, but I do like the one's that I am getting. Patience.
Culturally things are heating up too. I'm going to see (hear) Yo Yo Ma with the CSO at Ravinia, Joffrey's world premiere of Othello, Baryshnikov for my bday weekend and hopefully The Addams Family with Nathan Lane and BeBe Neuwirth when it opens for Broadway in Chicago.
I was a little disappointed with the outcome of So You Think You Can Dance this season, but the best dancer (almost) never wins. Today I came across an Entertainment Weekly article that has clips of 15 (of the author's faves) dances from all the can view them it here. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Oh yeah...
we've still got that pesky climate crisis to deal with. Have we decided if it's real or not yet?
Quote of the Day
“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality”
~ Dante Alighieri from Dante's Inferno
~ Dante Alighieri from Dante's Inferno
A belated congratulations to Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor who was sworn in as the newest justice on the US Supreme Court this past Saturday. She was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 68 to 31* (with Sen Kennedy being absent).
*stats provided by CPAN via Twitter.
*stats provided by CPAN via Twitter.
DB Watch - Times 6
Here a sociology professor from Berkley breaks down the "Gang of Six" that make up the Senate Finance Committee. It will be interesting to see what they do when they come back from the fall break.
I don't think any bill without a public option will change anything. I wonder if they will choose to help the 47 million uninsured or line their (and the insurance industry's) pockets? Time will tell.
I don't think any bill without a public option will change anything. I wonder if they will choose to help the 47 million uninsured or line their (and the insurance industry's) pockets? Time will tell.
Medals of Freedom
President Obama gave out the National Medals of Freedom today. Full list of recipients and their accomplishments is here.
Sen. Kennedy could not attend - his daughter accepted for him.
Sen. Kennedy could not attend - his daughter accepted for him.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Goodby Eunice
RIP and quiet
More information on Billy Mays death came out this week. Can you believe this guy was on uppers?
He Can Read!
The Daily Beast compiled a list of books the Prez has been seen with over the last year.
I love Dave Eggers (but haven't read his newest).
I have the collection of Derek Walcott poems left over from college.
I want to read the Lincoln biography and Team of Rivals.
I started Post-American World, but got distracted with the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse series.
Perhaps, I should step up my reading list??
I love Dave Eggers (but haven't read his newest).
I have the collection of Derek Walcott poems left over from college.
I want to read the Lincoln biography and Team of Rivals.
I started Post-American World, but got distracted with the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse series.
Perhaps, I should step up my reading list??
Seating Chart
The Washington Post published the West Wing seating chart. Cool!
Do you think I like this stuff too much?
Do you think I like this stuff too much?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
To Reform or Not to Reform...
that should NOT be the question. But with the insurance industry lobby spending $1.4 million per day to say "it ain't broke, don't fix it", some people (most notable Republicans and moderate Democrats and their less than informed constituents) seem to be confused.
Once again, Ezra Klein talks sense and gets my panties out of a bunch. I forget to ignore the crazy 24-hour news cycle (isn't that partly why I got rid of cable?) and relax. This is going to take a while - and the WH hasn't really said what they're for yet. The Prez is forcing the Congress to...shock! their job and write up legislation to be debated. I would be happier if they would've done it before the recess - and if Reid would've grown a pair and threatened the Dem Senators with no vaca, but I've been disappointed before (especially with him). Wouldn't you have liked to be a fly on the wall when Rahm talked to the Blue Dogs?
F-ing Blue Dogs! Surprise - once again, or should I say still, it's all about money.
Meanwhile, the White House is trying to stay on offense, offering up a new list of consumer protections. How do people that are uninsured or underinsured not understand that the insurance companies, et al and the congressmen they "own" don't have their best interests or health in mind - only profits?
And now that the legislators are home on break holding town hall meetings, a large group of orgnaized conservatives are disrupting them, so no one gets to ask or answer anything of substance. Can you say astroturf?
I guess I count myself lucky. My representatives are like-minded (though I still send them emails asking them to vote for it). Living for ten years without insurance makes this one hit close to home - not to mention it is THE major legislation that O needs to get passed in his first year. Seriously people, we've been trying to pass healthcare reform forever! Chop, chop!
Once again, Ezra Klein talks sense and gets my panties out of a bunch. I forget to ignore the crazy 24-hour news cycle (isn't that partly why I got rid of cable?) and relax. This is going to take a while - and the WH hasn't really said what they're for yet. The Prez is forcing the Congress to...shock! their job and write up legislation to be debated. I would be happier if they would've done it before the recess - and if Reid would've grown a pair and threatened the Dem Senators with no vaca, but I've been disappointed before (especially with him). Wouldn't you have liked to be a fly on the wall when Rahm talked to the Blue Dogs?
F-ing Blue Dogs! Surprise - once again, or should I say still, it's all about money.
Meanwhile, the White House is trying to stay on offense, offering up a new list of consumer protections. How do people that are uninsured or underinsured not understand that the insurance companies, et al and the congressmen they "own" don't have their best interests or health in mind - only profits?
And now that the legislators are home on break holding town hall meetings, a large group of orgnaized conservatives are disrupting them, so no one gets to ask or answer anything of substance. Can you say astroturf?
I guess I count myself lucky. My representatives are like-minded (though I still send them emails asking them to vote for it). Living for ten years without insurance makes this one hit close to home - not to mention it is THE major legislation that O needs to get passed in his first year. Seriously people, we've been trying to pass healthcare reform forever! Chop, chop!
More Fodder for 24?
Jeremy Scahill (loves!) reports on the continuing saga of Blackwater. New testimony from two former(?) employees alleges that CEO/Pres/Christianist Crazy/Founder, Erik Prince engaged in illegal weapons smuggling in Iraq, acknowledged and encouraged violence toward Iraqis and may have put a hit out on a couple of whistle-blowers.
Wow! Can I also send Prince to that deserted island I have reserved for Cheney (aka the ninth ring of hell)? Evil walks among us -- and makes a kick ass profit.
Wow! Can I also send Prince to that deserted island I have reserved for Cheney (aka the ninth ring of hell)? Evil walks among us -- and makes a kick ass profit.
Joke of the day
Via West Wing Report and Mark Knoller on Twitter...
"Bill Clinton heads to N Korea and picks up two women."
Har har!!
"Bill Clinton heads to N Korea and picks up two women."
Har har!!
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