Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

No, it wasn't me

Rove Chased Out of Book Signing Event

Ha ha!

Oh bother

I saw this strange little cartoon/slideshow on The Daily Dish...Alien vs. Pooh.

Go Pooh!

Happy Good Friday!

Happy cuz it's Friday.

Good cuz it's Friday.

Oh yeah, and something about Jesus and chocolate bunnies.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Or something like that.

Sunday, the House of Representatives successfully passed a revamping of healthcare legislation with 219 votes. Please note: there were no Republican votes for this bill. Zero.

The next day I started reading Teddy Kennedy's biography True Compass. Timely. It was reported that his son was emotional the day President Obama signed the bill with Ted's widow Vicki present. Understandably so...

Below are some pictures captured that day (my apologies to anyone I don't respectfully site, but I believe most of them to be by official White House photographer Pete Souza). Look at Hillary's face...priceless.

President signing bill

Rep. Kennedy leaves a note for his Dad

And the best moment was when VP Biden introduced the Prez and was overheard voicing his enthusiasm at what has been accomplished. Way to say it Joe. It is a BFD!!

Look Who's Back!


Don't get too excited, it might not last long. I've been busy with my other blog (sacrilege) and assignments for work...I know, I shouldn't compain, but I'm so good at it. Plus, the political climate has been so nasty (and only getting worse) that I've been loath to write about it (although, of course, I still spend the majority of my "work time" religiously reading my fave poli-blogs -- for now: The Daily Dish, TPM and Daily Kos - *links on my blog roll).

With the momentous passing -- FINALLY! -- of some sort of healthcare bill, my fingers are itching to post a few worthy notes.

Vic Thinks
Vic Knows
Vic Wonders
Vic Remembers

Look out...she's back.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Axelrod rebuts Rove

This is what Karl Rove had to say in a Washington Post piece asking advice for Democratic strategies for 2010:


White House deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to George W. Bush; columnist for Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal; Fox News contributor

Congressional Democrats pushed through ineffectual legislation such as the stimulus that didn't produce the promised results.

They raised discretionary spending by 24 percent from President George W. Bush's last full-year budget and will run up more debt by October than Bush did in eight years.

They made a priority of the unpopular cap-and-trade energy tax while Americans were worried about jobs and the economy.

They squandered every opportunity for the bipartisanship President Obama promised in his campaign.

Then they ended the year with a pork-filled monstrosity of a health-care bill that's increasingly detested.

The solid support that Democrats enjoyed at the start of 2009 among independents and college-educated voters is gone: They and seniors have propelled the GOP to a nine-point lead in Rasmussen's generic ballot.

Congressional Democrats can't reverse their midterm fortunes by trying to pass itsy-bitsy pieces of insignificant but popular legislation. Voters will stay fixated on their existing mistakes. So Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi should push for big things:: In for a penny, in for a pound. It would be hard to come up with less popular causes than they've already embraced. So find something that might redirect voter anger, especially if Republicans cooperate by failing to offer a positive alternative. Good luck: You made the mess.

Here is David Axelrod's rebuttal.

A Conservative to the Rescue?

The conservative legal powerhouse that won the Supreme Court ruling that got W elected is now going to bat for gay marriage. What?

That's right. Theodore Olson, along with his opposing attorney for the Bush v. Gore fight, David Boies, is taking on the fight for gay marriage rights by arguing that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

Read his article on why he took the case from the current issue of Newsweek.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year

I's been a while, again. Thankfully, I've been busy with a new freelance writing gig and the usual crunch to get more assignments.

My resolutions this year (I'm going to TRY):

to not eat meat - starting for sure with red, hoping to get rid of white too, but will still eat fish.

to do the Artist's Way workbook - which I've started many times over the years, but this is it!

to build my freelance portfolio - going good so far, may have an interview in the next few weeks with someone HUGE!

to be nicer to myself - can't hurt and can't really be any meaner.

to be nicer to everyone else - how noble of me.

to do some kind of movement - some form of dancing whether it be a class, a dvd or just me shaking my ass in front of the tv.

Is that too much? I hope not. I'm going slow and will NOT get down on myself if I happen to crave bacon or forget to do my weekly artist date.

Oh, and I will try to post to this blog more often :) My other blog is taking off a bit, so...I'll see you when I see you.

Happy New Year!

Front runner

Yes, our favorite Independent Senator is the front runner for Asshole of the Year for 2010...already. Sen. Lieberman and twice-failed presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain thought it wise to go to Israel and not only disrespect the sitting President, but undermine out foreign policy strategy.

I vote for censure, but maybe we should just sic SOS. Clinton on them.

Way to go, assholes.

Rest in Peace Mrs. Biden

Vice President Biden's Mother, Jean passed away last week at the age of 93. Her funeral is set for today.

Kinda Nerdy Cool

I saw this article about Al Gore and a font issue...interesting.