Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year

I know...it's been a while, again. Thankfully, I've been busy with a new freelance writing gig and the usual crunch to get more assignments.

My resolutions this year (I'm going to TRY):

to not eat meat - starting for sure with red, hoping to get rid of white too, but will still eat fish.

to do the Artist's Way workbook - which I've started many times over the years, but this is it!

to build my freelance portfolio - going good so far, may have an interview in the next few weeks with someone HUGE!

to be nicer to myself - can't hurt and can't really be any meaner.

to be nicer to everyone else - how noble of me.

to do some kind of movement - some form of dancing whether it be a class, a dvd or just me shaking my ass in front of the tv.

Is that too much? I hope not. I'm going slow and will NOT get down on myself if I happen to crave bacon or forget to do my weekly artist date.

Oh, and I will try to post to this blog more often :) My other blog is taking off a bit, so...I'll see you when I see you.

Happy New Year!

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