Thursday, March 25, 2010

Look Who's Back!


Don't get too excited, it might not last long. I've been busy with my other blog (sacrilege) and assignments for work...I know, I shouldn't compain, but I'm so good at it. Plus, the political climate has been so nasty (and only getting worse) that I've been loath to write about it (although, of course, I still spend the majority of my "work time" religiously reading my fave poli-blogs -- for now: The Daily Dish, TPM and Daily Kos - *links on my blog roll).

With the momentous passing -- FINALLY! -- of some sort of healthcare bill, my fingers are itching to post a few worthy notes.

Vic Thinks
Vic Knows
Vic Wonders
Vic Remembers

Look out...she's back.

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