Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Thank goodness for Blagojevich. I was so freakin' bored and then he goes and does the most incredibly stupid shit -- made my day. This stuff is better than General Hospital (almost). And it couldn't have happened to a better crook, er, person.

As for the Senate seat hopefuls, we've figured out who Candidate #5 is...Jesse Jackson Jr. #1 is believed to be Valerie Jarrett, who wisely took her name out of contention. #2 is speculated to be Lisa Madigan (who I hope eventually runs for Gov.). Emil Jones is another. Does anyone know or have a guess as to who the other two are...Tammy Duckworth, and?????? Anyone? Beuller?

UPDATE: ok we can add Danny Davis (?), Jan Schakowsky (my rep!) and Luis Gutierrez...

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