Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's a beautiful day

That's the U2 song that was playing as we left Grant Park last night...and today sure is. Sunny and cool -- a perfect autumn day in Chicago. I think I'm still in shock. The reality started to sink in as I finally got home and watched the late night coverage on CNN and MSNBC. Wow. History.

I highly recommend not standing in virtually the same spot for eight hours (hey Mr. President Elect, next time, could you rent out Soldier Field so we can sit?), but being in that crowd the moment CNN declared he had won was...amazing.

Walking up Michigan Avenue for blocks and blocks, seeing strangers high-fiving and chanting "Yes We Can" and "Yes We Did" was pretty f-ing cool. People even cheered a garbage truck that honked to get through.

After starting with the 'Na-na-na, hey-hey-hey goodbye" song usually sung at high school basketball games to the loser, the Chicago crowd was surprisingly gracious during Senator McCain's concession speech offering polite applause at all the right places. There was no love lost on Palin -- and one big cheer came when Liddie Dole was defeated in her Senate race (can negative campaigning really be dying?).

Seeing the crowd on the tv coverage put it in to perspective. I can't believe I was there.

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