Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How To Embezzle Clothes and Throw My Pregnant Teenage Daughter to the Media and Other Things I Learned From the GOP

It has been widely reported that our favorite moose-shootin' Governor is getting a potential $7M book deal. Is anyone else upset about this?

She can't string a coherent sentence together, but she is getting millions to write a book? About what? Does anyone really think she is a viable candidate for anything -- other than a reality tv show? She wants money and fame -- that's it. She was in beauty pageants and aspired to be a tv sportscaster - give her a show. Let her tell us how to dress a moose and shoot wolves from a plane as sport on The Outdoor Living Network. Let her parade her entire family out and use them to increase her fame. Why not? The conservatives will eat it up and think she's the best thing since Lazarus.

Ok - rant done...for now.

Tick tock -- aren't her 15 minutes up yet?

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