Sunday, October 12, 2008

Phone banking

My friend Chris and I phone banked for Obama yesterday. I was pretty nervous and had no desire to get a McCain supporter on the line and have to try to persuade them with my issued talking points and script. (I found myself hoping no one would answer so I could just leave a message.)

Luckily, our sheets were for Dane County, Wisconsin which includes Madison (a college town). We mostly left messages, but everyone I talked to was already supporting Sen. Obama and some were even volunteering. That made it a good experience. It was nice to hear - although I know if we'd picked another list or another day we could have gotten another, more Republican county.

It was a good thing to do, but when I go in to volunteer at headquarters, I'm bringing my laptop so I can do data entry and stay away from the phones.

Only 24 days left!

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