Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mickey likes ACORNs

Voter fraud. Sigh. So, FOX News has been going on 24/7 now about ACORN voter fraud. Their "expert" is none other than Hans Von Spakovsky (really, you can't make a name like that up) who is a former official in the Bush Justice Dept. who was recently hired by the US Commission of Civil Rights to monitor this year's election. Can you say corrupt?

He is best known for his talents of "restricting access to the polls", according to TPM. So the GOP has a guy well-versed in voter intimidation on a committee to investigate voter fraud? Anyone else see an ethics problem here?

There is a legitmate concern involving voter REGISTRATION fraud with the ACORN group. They are under investigation in a number of states for fraudulent registrations. Rumor is that Mickey Mouse is registered in Florida. I don't agree with signing up fraudulent names just to bump up your numbers, but in their defense, they are required to turn in ALL forms and they have said they do flag suspicious ones.

Bottom line: You must have a valid ID to vote. Not sure Mickey does.

Now on the flipside, there are some very real voter intimidation tactics going on (via GOP?) in swing states. That's a whole other story...

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