Wednesday, July 16, 2008

so cool!

On Monday, as usual I was at work reading my political sites. It had been a busy morning with Obama and McCain giving back to back speeches on the war. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post wrote an article about Obama's speech on his blog The Fix.

The title was "Obama Repositions on Iraq". I read it wondering if I had missed something important since I was getting ready for work, playing with Giselle, packing my lunch, etc while listening to MSNBC. Um..I didn't miss anything. I even read the article twice to make sure I understood. Simply, Cillizza had a bad title.

Luckily the comment section agreed with me. A few of us bloggers (I think I was the 5th or 6th) called him out on his misleading title (some more nicely than others)...and within about ten minutes...he changed the title!

It now reads "Obama Addresses Iraq, McCain Hits Back".

It's something.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Quote of the Day

John Ridley in Huffington Post article "(Liberal) Fear of a Black President"
- posted one day after the Jesse Jackson "Nuts" comments:

"Moreover, what scares the Old Schoolers is that Obama's potential election removes from them the victim stick with which they flog their diminishing relevance."

(emphasis added)


Not nice

but I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. Uncomfortable :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I spent my 4th of July in the country. And by country, I mean Homewood, Illinois - a small, south side suburb of Chicago. I think of it as a country retreat since my friends' house literally backs on to a forest preserve. Into the woods...

Our holiday festivities included a trip up the street to watch the "Home Sweet Homewood" Fourth of July Day Parade! What a hoot! Kids, candy, vintage cars, cheerleaders, the junior hockey league on rollerblades (tossing out Tootsie Rolls!) and every civil servant from miles around. The police/firetruck/ambulance horn display was -- I'm certain -- the longest and loudest horn-tooting event...EVER! My ears are still ringing.

My favorite part, however, was the peaceful protestors (although the tootsie roll-throwin' hockey boys came in a close second). Just a group a people carrying signs and wearing t-shirts saying what they believe. Some were against the war -- "No Oil for $" -- and some just simply said "peace". I was standing on the curb, wearing my Obama peace tee with drink in hand alternatively clapping for them and giving them the peace sign. Needless to say, my shirt was a big hit with this group.

One man (I want to believe an ex-hippy) came over to me and said, "We have to keep his feet to the fire." I asked him if he'd read about the group on Obama's website that was protesting his FISA vote. He nodded and I said that I was one of them. "That's what I'm talking about," he said. And I gave him a terrorist fist jab. Sweet.

So, in the now famous words of Michelle Obama..."for the first time in my adult life, I'm really proud of my country".

Can I have a hot dog, please?