Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I know this is only the beginning of the process - and that he didn't lose by that much - and that he still has more delegate votes - and that what he has accomplished this far is huge, BUT last night's primary loss was disappointing. While only my close neighbors and my dog (sorry, G) can know what actually happened in my house as the results flashed and the pundits yapped, it is safe to say I did not accept his defeat gracefully (or quietly).

Fortunately, he did.

Sam Stein's blog on the Huffington Post today included this quote from Obama after congratulating Hillary on running a great campaign:

Obama, in his speech, offered no excuses or explanations for what had
transpired. Sensing, perhaps, the disappointment of the crowd, he
instead offered thanks for their support. "The reason our campaign has
always been different," he said, "The reason we began this improbable
journey almost a year ago is because it is not about what I will do as
president, it is about what you, the people who love this country, the
citizens of the United States of America can do to change it... That's
what this election is all about. That's why tonight belongs to you."

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