Aside from Captain Morgan (my personal favorite), I know pirates get a bad rep with all their raping and pilaging and such. However, scientific evidence suggests that "global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking number of Pirates since the 1800s", says Bobby Henderson, Founder of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
It's true. There's even a chart to prove it -- and I'm pretty sure Al Gore carries an eye patch in his briefcase. The theory that saving energy, buying carbon offsets and going "green" is great, but what we really need is a worldwide campaign to recruit more Pirates!
Join our legion of rogues and help save our planet. Put on your eye patch, raise a bottle of rum and visit: www.iwant2baPirate.argh
To find out more about FSM, go to:
"Make Noodles -- Not war"
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