Friday, August 12, 2011

Obama 2012

For the record, if one more person says to me, "Obama is going to be a one-termer", I cannot be held responsible for my response. It won't be pretty.

He may, in fact, end up being a one-termer, but no one - I repeat NO ONE - at this point, even the man himself, can say definitively that he will or won't win the 2012 election. It is a factual impossibility. A week in politics is an eternity and since we have approximately a shit-ton of weeks before the next presidential election, I think it's fair to say a lot can and will happen to determine, not only, who he is running against, but what (besides the economy) they will be running their platforms on.

He's smart and I would not underestimate him or his political team. (Yes, I'm still a starry-eyed Plouffette.)

If, and at this point it is a big IF, he doesn't get re-elected, I can guarantee you it will be in no small part because of Citizens United. Follow the money! Oh, wait, you can't anymore. Crap.

And, just in case you are one of those people that continually spouts "he hasn't done anything", here is a convenient reminder of what he has accomplished in his short time in office (and with extreme obstructionist opposition, I might add). *Parker, this one's for you.

So, in conclusion: please refrain from offering your political opinion on Obama's re-election chances (unless I ask for it) because 1) it really is way too early to tell, 2) you're obviously thinking about not voting for him, therefore I shouldn't be friends with you and 3) you're only saying it to piss me off.

Thank you, and scene.

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