Sunday, September 27, 2009

happy birthday to me

Wow - dinner at Chris & Parker's Friday; brunch & GLEE w/ Josh - then drinks, Bayshnikov and dinner w/ Mark on Saturday; cupcakes w/ Tess & John, another brunch, dog park, Lakeview East Arts Festival (maybe T Dance at Spin) on Sunday...

I'm too old for this.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sullivan on Obama

I know this is only one opinion (with which I happen to agree), but I don't "get" how so many people are saying Obama is doing such a horrible job.

Cobert on Racism

He's so wrong, but I miss him so.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This makes me smile

Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan.

This photo series of the Obama girls greeting their dad made my day.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney had surgery on his back this morning. When I heard it on NPR, I had a moment of "what if...", then quickly realized I'm better than that. I shouldn't wish ill on someone else EVEN if they have done unspeakably horrible things to others.

Actually, not true. I do wish ill on him in the form of standing trial (preferably at The Hague) and being sentenced to a long and "torturous" stint in jail. I never said I was nice ALL the time.

Happy Constitution Day!

Yep...really. Take some time this weekend to reflect on what it stands for...

I've been having some issues lately with the First Amendment. For it, but it is workin' my last nerve.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Mourning Patrick Swayze.
I can't count how many times I've watched Dirty Dancing and Ghost and the hotness of Patrick and Keanu in Point Break, well....

Here is a memorial blog article from Rolling Stone.

I'm kind of at a loss for what to say. He will dance forever in our hearts and on the screen.


lost in the finals of the US Open...


Monday, September 14, 2009

Word of the Day


Just 'cuz.


Watch the video clip of Federer's amazing return from the US Open semi-finals yesterday.

He is a tennis god!

New Rule (to me)

No wonder I'm so partial to those 28-year-olds...ha!

Bad News Bears

Not only did we lose miserably (how many interceptions?) to the Packers last night, but Urlacher's dislocated wrist will have him out for the rest of the season.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm going to the Celtic Fest at Grant Park today. I'm part Scott-Irish...somewhere down the line. Lobster, pumpkin and good music and dancing. Should be fun!

I hope since we're in the FlyNovaScotia tent that there's a raffle for free airline tix!!! I want to go see the pumpkin races.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

From the grave

Senator Kennedy may not have been in the room physically last night, but he was certainly there in spirit, family and name. The White House released the letter from Sen. Kennedy to the President that was quoted in last night's speech.

Here is the full letter.

DB Watch: Asshat edition

Last night during President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congres, SC Rep Jow Wilson decided to yell back the Prez calling him a liar in front of...oh, the whole world. Smart move asshat.

First, the President wasn't lying about the bill not covering illegal immigrants. Tons of sites today posted teh e wording of at least one of the bills under consideration. On page 143, lines 3 - 7 of bill H.R. 3200, SEC 426 it says:


Hmm. Pretty straight forward. Politifact checks Wilson's claim out too. FALSE.

Second, I don't care who you are or what bullshit the President is saying (No WMDS?) -- YOU DO NOT HECKLE OR HARASS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Rude, disrespectful, assinine and it is against House rules. Nancy, what are you going to say to this schmuck? Some Dems are calling for a censure if he doesn't apologize on the House floor (which he refused to do today).

Even if you don't like him or agree with him, you respect the office.

The good thing coming out of this is that Wilson's opponent in the upcoming election has reportedly raised a ton-o-cash off of his disruptive outburst. See ya later asshat.


Yet another example of inane hypocrisy by the GOP. Nice familiy values.

BTW -- apparently he resigned today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Here is the complete text of President Obama's eulogy at the funeral of Edward Moore Kennedy last Saturday.

I especially like this passage:

What we can do is to live out our lives as best we can with purpose, and with love, and with joy. We can use each day to show those who are closest to us how much we care about them, and treat others with the kindness and respect that we wish for ourselves. We can learn from our mistakes and grow from our failures. And we can strive at all costs to make a better world, so that someday, if we are blessed with the chance to look back on our time here, we know that we spent it well; that we made a difference; that our fleeting presence had a lasting impact on the lives of others.

This is how Ted Kennedy lived. This is his legacy.

New Book

(that I can't wait to read - even though it will break my heart and piss me off).

Dave Eggers - hot, talented, thoughtful writer and philantropist - has a new book out titled: Zeitoun. It is about a Syrian man living in New Orleans with his family during Hurrican Katrina.

Here is a diary from Daily Kos on the book - and an interview with the author.

Sad, but true.

A cartoon at

*You can click to enlarge if you don't want to put your glasses on.

One More Reason

to LOVE Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

They have changed the name of their Chubby Hubby flavor to Hubby Hubby in celebration of Vermont passing a same-sex marriage law.



A Brazilian ad company entered an ad for a competition featuring planed descending on Manhattan ala 911. The ad also prominently featured the World Wildlife Fund logo.

Does this sound like something the WWF would embrace? I think not. Here is the New York Daily News article that shows the ad.

Maybe they should sic some pandas on them??

Quote of the Day

Whoever decided to put the S and D keys so close together on the keyboard is on my shit list. There are too many verbs that can go careening from present tense ("features") to past tense ("featured") with an errant keystroke, sammit!

Bill from Maine - diary on Daily Kos

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good advice

from Elmo. Since it is September 1st - and officially Fall (in my mind) - a little advice on how not to spread germs from my favorite little red monster via Lynn Sweet.