Friday, May 23, 2008

Are you f*#@^iing kidding me?

*Warning: rant coming...

That's it.

*I kept my mouth shut when she challenged him to a debate on a flat bed truck in North Carolina (remind anyone else of a lynching?).

*I kept my mouth shut when she used her support of "hard working Americans, white Americans"" to effectively woo the Appalachian racist vote (West Virginia campaign slogan: "Vote for Me; I'm white!").

*I kept my mouth shut --kind of-- when she said that he can't win the working class white vote (except for the fact that African Americans only make up 13.4% of the US population and I assume that other whiteys work and some of them must make up the millions of people that have voted for him).

But today, I've reached my eternal limit for shit Hillary Clinton can throw at the fan to justify her lust for the nomination. In Souix Falls, SD speaking to an editorial board for the Argus-Leader, Sen. Clinton invoked assassination. Uh...yeah.

While defending her right/decision to stay in the race, this is what she said:

'My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.' -

B'scuze me? She said what? So..."hey, he could get shot and then I'd win" is her new strategy? WTF? Is this code to her not-so-educated, white friends in the Southern states?

Yes, I may be accused of being hyper sensitive, irrational and neurotic - but I really don't think this is a stretch here. She is an extremely intellegent woman and knows exactly what she is saying and doing.

More from the First Read article:
'In fact, the specter of assassination was first raised in this campaign on January 8, when a Clinton introducer, a retired teacher from New Hampshire, brought it up before Clinton spoke. "If you look back, some people have been comparing one of the other candidates to JFK, and he was a wonderful leader. He gave us a lot of hope," the retired teacher said. "But he was assassinated..."

Couple these Clinton campaign statements with Mike Huckabee's off-color (yes, pun indended) joke at the NRA convention last week about someone shooting at Obama:

"That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair. He was getting ready to speak and somebody aimed a gun at him, and he dove for the floor," Huckabee told the NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky...". -Reuters online

Does anyone think this is funny? Apparently so. You can plainly hear the crowd laughing at his "joke" on the video posted on You Tube. (

Why aren't more people outraged at this? Why are they allowed to say such things and then brush it off with no consequences? Obama has been under Secret Service protection since May 2007 because of death threats. This isn't funny.

Haven't we aleady lost too many political leaders to assassination? JFK, RFK, attempt on Reagan too. Obama has been compared to all of them.

What are they so afraid of? What could he potentially do that would warrant killing him? Our current president has lied, cheated, broken the law, tortured and killed how many innocent people - and he's ok? What is wrong with this picture? Anyone?

If Clinton somehow gets the nomination, I will take my broken heart to the voting booth, cry, probably puke a little bit in my mouth and vote for her - ONLY because the alternative is more hideous and will no doubt be able to nominate a few cronies to the Supreme Court. Then I will start packing, learning french and the lyrics to "O, Canada". I will not stay in a place that thinks this behavior is acceptable.

I'm so saddened and disgusted with our country right now - what is wrong with us? How did we get here? Do we, as a collective union, really have the capacity and desire to change?

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