That's right. President Obama today won a
Nobel Peace Prize. Say what?
And right on cue, the conservative fuckwits start their
hatefest. It's really so tiresome and juvenile.
And for those asking "what has he done?", here is a
Personally, this was a much needed reminder of what this man is trying to do - what he stands for. It is way too easy (for me, at least) to get lost in all the bipartisan hate-baiting on both sides and lose track of why we like him and the incredibly difficult job he has taken on. Yes, the honor may be a bit premature, but I think it is deserved and will be an impetus for him to work that much harder to get some shit done. I hope it provides a kick in the...pants for Democratic members of Congress - and Republicans to help him pass some historic legislation.
We have yet to see what his legacy will be, but at least the Norwegians have put their faith in him.