Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poor Hawks

The Chicago Blackhawks hopes for The Stanley Cup were ended by the Detroit Redwings.

Go Pittsburgh!?!?!?!?!?

New Movie Trailer

For Sherlock Holmes...

Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams and directed by Guy Ritchie. Looks great!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It was only a matter of time before someone I knew got killed in the war. That time came yesterday - Memorial Day. Terry Barnich, who was General Counsel for Illinois Governor Jim Thompson (back in the day when I was a Republican), was killed by a roadside bomb near Fallujah. Two others were killed and two more injured.

He was smart, good looking and a total smart ass who answered the phone -- Barnich! -- and loved to flirt with us peons at the Gov's office. I haven't seen him in many years and have completely polar opposite political views, but have tremendous respect for his intelligence and the work he was doing in Iraq.

He was due to come home in just a few weeks.

Here is a great write up on him from The Chicago Daily Observer.

Monday, May 25, 2009

One reason

why my dog doesn't like to wear clothes...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pelosi v CIA

So now the GOP wants an investigation into "who knew what when" in the hopes of ruining Pelosi's credibility and possibly ending her career. The Newt was already on tv this am asking for her resignation. As the article says: bring it on.

First, a tiff between what might have been said in a meeting in 2002 is hardly reason for her to resign - although blonde talking point spewer Hasselbeck certainly jumped on the bandwagon this morning - and isn't it the CIA's job to lie or misrepresent facts (or to torture)? If there is to be an investigation it won't stop at what Pelosi was told (as, I assume, they want just so they can say Dems knew about it...nay nay - and for the record, if she was complicit with any of the ok-ing of torture, she should be held accountable), it would delve into ALL of it.

Here's a thought. What if this was part of the Obama's "long game" the entire time? Let Pelosi take one for the Dems and egg on the GOP to support an investigation - then, with bipartisan support, let the investigation happen and reveal all the Bush Co's dirty little secrets?? Is O that good - or am I still drunk on Kool Aid?

Giving to the poor

Look who is doing it.

It's nice to have a there-is-still-good-in-the-world story every now and then.

Hot Stuff!

Ain't she?

DB Watch - Dem edition

Is Harry Reid the douchebag of the day? What is he talking about?

I think the Congress voting to not fund the closing of Gitmo is nonsense. I think they pussied out - too afraid of not getting re-elected if by some chance the detainees ended up in their state. In all likelyhood they would go to the max-security prison in CO that already houses terrorists (ie. Unibomber, etc). What's the big deal?

Now here's a rational Dem (who just happens to be from my home state). I thought we were over caving to the fearmongering...apparently not.

Some Satire for a Sunny Day

Jesus as SCOTUS pick...not a bad strategery...

Everyone has talent

some are just stranger than others. Here is video of the Piedmont Birdcalling champions on Letterman (last night). Check out the shorter girl in the last group - I love how she gets her stance on before...chirping??? Hilarious!

Great News!!!

Senator Kennedy's brain cancer is in remission. He will be returning to work after the Memorial Day break!!

Strange Sighting

On the bus, yesterday, on the way to work...older man, not skinny, in yellow hand-made t-shirt (with matching shorts)...shirt said:

Real Women Don't Drive Hummers They Give Them

I'm not kidding.

Just 'cuz

The official poster for the new Twilight series movie, New Moon is out.

Btw -- I'm still on Team Edward.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday's Word of the Day

from Urban Dictionary...


Ha! Fun to say and makes me hungry.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Segment

I'd Like To Be You For A Day

That was a song we used to sing as a quartet in Jr High choir competitions. Eek. I'm still friends with two of the other three...who was the other? Cathy Leohr? Crap - I need to call Amy.

Digression aside: I'd like to be her for a day.

Esperanza Spalding

This is her playing at the White House tribute for Stevie Wonder, performing one of my favorite songs. She also just performed at the first White House Poetry Jam. Pretty cool.


New York!



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Faith and Science can co-exist

I love this man.

Lighten up!

A funny take on how to possibly prosecute the "Bush torture regime" from Colbert.

"The Word" is my fave.


A man captured attempting to flee Afghanistan in 2001, that was subsequently - allegedly - tortured and gave up unreliable, but desirable evidence to our government was found dead in a Libyan prison from an apparent suicide. Not good.

Story here.

And background/context via A. Sullivan here.


I must say I've never been a big fan of Jesse Ventura - WWF ain't really my thang, but I do respect that he ran for office instead of just sitting back and bitching about stuff -- BUT I really liked what he had to say on Larry King. Money quote starting at approx 2:20...

h/t: Andrew Sullivan.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Coming Soon...

Oh yes, it is...Chick-Fil-A!!!! The good news is the second article -- about half way down the page.

Eat Mor Chikin!!

DB Watch - Suburban edition

They finally arrested Drew Peterson for the murder of his 3rd wife...his 4th is still missing.

Sullivan on torture

I thought this post was worth a read...then I'll try to move on to happier topics...

DB Watch - Satan Edition

Why won't the bad man go away Mommy?

And Balducci pulls through...

Maine has passed a same-sex marriage law!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Speaking of queers...

Our favorite harmless DB, Joe-the-Plumber, was interviewed recently by
Christianity Today. Below is his answer to a question on same-sex marriage:

Q: In the last month, same-sex marriage has become legal in Iowa and Vermont. What do you think about same-sex marriage at a state level?

A: At a state level, it's up to them. I don't want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it's wrong. *People don't understand the dictionary—it's called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It's not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do—what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we're supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing.

I'm not saying anything...but here is a funny rebuttal from Robert Elisberg at Huffpo.

*emphasis mine. That could've come out of W's mouth. Scary.



Cheers queers.

The Dom

Dom DeLuise passed away Monday night with his family by his side. One of my favorite things when I was younger was watching the outtakes after his movies...especially the Cannonball and Smokey and the Bandit series'. He would bust out ALL the time (ala Harry Korman), ruining many scenes and could reduce Burt Reynolds to a giggly school girl. Many happy times watching him...

Tony Award Noms

They came out today (ha, really no pun was intended).

Guess who's up for Best Original Score for 9 to 5...



Was #1 at the box office last weekend taking in over $85 Million! I thoroughly enjoyed it (despite reading numerous bad reviews). Hugh being half naked and sweaty through most of it had almost nothing to do with it.


*picture from

Maine House Votes Yes!!

For gay marriage legislation (85 - 57), a quick trip back to the Senate and House, then to the Gov for a vote. Come on Balducci!!

Writer News


Jon Meacham, Editor-in-Chief of Newsweek recently won a Pulitzer Prize for authoring the biography, Andrew Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House.

Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post also won a Pulitzer for Commentary for his coverage of the 2008 election focusing on electing the first African American President.

Anna Quindlen, author and bi-weekly columnist for Newsweek's The Last Word will not be penning the column anymore. She will be focusing solely on her fiction. I hope they replace her with someone as effectively counteractive of George Will.

I have a couple of articles just out as well. Not quite as prominent, but I'm working on it...

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Are my toes cold? No, but my ankles are a wee bit chilly.

Do NOT like this new trend in summer footware. Ick.

More please!

It looks like two more states are one the way to passing same-sex marriage legislation:

New Hampshire & Maine.


is it wrong that this makes me happy?

One way to get out of jury duty...

perhaps I'll try this next time.

Happy May!

It finally seems as if we're getting good weather. Aside from another month or so of questionable temp drops and heavy duty's almost summer! Sort of.

I'm enjoying all the tulips and plants starting to sprout -- but on the blog front, its all about torture. The last couple of weeks has been eye-opening to say the least. The left is calling for criminal prosecutions and accountability and the right (including former Bushies) is saying they changed the laws, so it wasn't illegal, and that it is justifiable because it worked. One guess which side I fall on.

Here are a couple of things that caught my eye:

*DB Watch - The Deluxe Edition.

*Andrew Sullivan's Quote of the Day for April 23rd:
"I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture..." - Official proclamation by President Bush, June 26, 2003.

*A New York Times op-ed by Ali Soufan, former FBI interrogator on why torture does not provide "actionable intelligence" -- here.

*Another quote - from a Greg Mitchell piece on the Huffington Post. Former Army Sgt Kayla Williams on being in "over the line" interrogations in Mosul.

In general, interrogation is not fun, even if you follow the rules. And I didn't see any good intelligence being gained. The other problem is that, in situations like that, you have people that are not terrorists being picked up, and being questioned. And, if you treat an innocent person like that, they walk out a terrorist.

*Urban Word of the Day - April 25th.
April 25: tolerance juice

Any concoction of alcohol used to help tolerate a person, a place, or a situation.
In theory, the more tolerance juice you consume, the less annoyed you will be.

Without tolerance juice the person, place, or situation is quite simply, well, intolerable and you could potentially slip into a rage blackout.

Warning: Excessive consumption of tolerance juice may result in memory loss and/or loss of clothing.

Can we find a way to distribute in local water supplies?

*A quote from Condi (via The Dish). Almost Nixonian.

"The president instructed us that nothing we would do would be outside of our obligations, legal obligations under the Convention Against Torture... The United States was told, we were told, nothing that violates our obligations under the Convention Against Torture, and so by definition, if it was authorized by the president, it did not violate our obligations under the Convention Against Torture," - Condi Rice.

Going Home

What is it about going back home that freaks me out? I finally gotten to the point, at 40, where I don't revert back into an 8-year-old every time I visit my parents (although that is my preferred maturity level). A couple of weeks ago I went to a wedding down in Springfield, my home for some relatively formative years -- work, teaching, dancing, finishing college and a broken heart (or 2) -- it was an experience.

I haven't been back to visit in probably 5 or 6 years. Not for any particular reason, just life. So, going back now had me a little nervous. One: the dynamic between all the ballerina personalities is always tricky. Two: I'm about 15 pounds heavier and way out of shape. Three: I'm the only one not married and without kids. Four...let's just deal with those three.

Well, I received quite a welcome. My former director, a couple of old roomates..all ballerinas at one point, all jumped up to hug me. They didn't care about any of the stuff I was worried about. They were just happy to see me. Since they were all in the wedding party -- oh, by the way, I bought the happy couple a lovely bottle of Veuve for a gift not knowing that the groom is a Mormon and doesn't drink!! -- I sat in the cynical pew with a couple more Springfield Ballet Co (SBC) vets. While forcefully chewing gum and trying not to "comment" on the sappy, crying freak show that was happening on the alter, I heard one of my friends whisper "Make me puke!". I'm not alone...

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad the bride has found love (again) and I wish her all the happiness in the world -- I just have an aversion to the over-the-top PDA that was the wedding. The entire thing was overproduced IMHO (way theatrical), but what do I know. I'm missing that gene (maybe I am a dude?).

After much drinking - on the ballerina side of the reception, the reception came to an end (oh yeah, it was cash bar! Two things to always mention when inviting someone to your wedding...1. Mormon 2. Cash Bar), but we didn't stop drinking. Ending the night at some random hall in Sherman, IL with a live band, I had officially survived the day. The hungover drive home -- which ended up taking 2+ extra hours because I missed an exit and went to Indiana -- is another story.