Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good news

538.com has Obama up by more today...

In electoral votes: Obama - 330.6 McCain - 207.4


Happy Birthday!

To me.

I turned 40 over the weekend.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

National Punctuation Day

Yes it is!

This is one of my favs:


"The omission from a sentence or other construction of one or more words understandable from the context that would complete or clarify the construction. A mark to indicate the omission of letters or words."

Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing —


Happy Birthday to Ruthy!!



BIG News Day


Obama seems to be pulling away in the polls. Fox News has him leading McCain 45 - 39. The WashingtonPost/ABC News poll has O up by 9, and at 538.c0m the electoral vote spread is Obama 309: McCain 229.

I know, I knw - don't trust the polls. But - yay!

McCain is now suggesting that the debate on Friday be postponed.

This is the actualy headline from Rueters this morning:
"Clay Aiken Acknowledges He's Gay"

Really? I had no idea.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

t & b

Trust and believe.

After a couple of bumpy weeks (get it? The convention bounces...anyway) and millions of fretting Dems spouting their take on things and advice, Obama is -- as of today @ 538.com EV: 284.8 to 253.2 -- ahead again in the polls. There is no guarantee he will stay there and it will no doubt be a close race, but now that things have evened out, can we stop with the negative crap about his campaign? Please.

He needs to do this, he should do that, why isn't he...enough already. The man is smart (although he does look a wee bit tired lately). His campaign is smart - I'm a big fan of the Davids. Biden is smart. They know what they are doing. Armchair quarterbacking may be fun, but not real helpful.

So, lay off my man.

T & b, baby, t & b.

Lyric of the day

Frames from the Soundtrack to the movie Once:

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time, raise your hopeful voice
You had the choice...

No political analogies there...or are there?


Who knew we I had so much in common with Pam? Really.


Makes me happy



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quote of the Day

"This attack is a reminder that we are at war with extremists who will murder innocent people to achieve their ideological objectives."
-Pres. George W Bush (taken from The Washington Post transcript of his meeting today with Gen. David Petraeus)

Hmm...Extremists who will murder innocent people to achieve their ideological objectives...um, isn't that us?

Recommended Reading #1

A good friend of mine started a little thing called Music Mondays where she sends a group of people a new song every Monday with a little blurb about the artist and the song. It's great! So I'm stealing the idea, but for literature. (Thanks Jenille!) I'll come up with a cute title later...

#1 - The Battle Plan

This is one of the most poignant pieces I've read in a while.


"The Battle Plan", posted on The Huffington Post(9-17-08), is actually the introduction to Naomi Wolf's book Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries. It talks about how we need to reclaim our rights and our vision of what being American is. Start a new American Revolution!

In this season of politics and concern, it was quite refreshing to read her words. No lipstick or pork or lies, she talks about our "key enlightenment beliefs" and what it really was that our Forefathers set out to do - and just how groundbreaking The Constitution was -- and still is.

I recommend reading the article for sure - and if you get the chance to entire book as well (amazon.com - $11.16). I can't wait!

Happy Constitution Day!

Yes, today is the 221st anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution.

I think every citizen should think about what the original intent of the Founding Fathers was and see if that is reflected in most of our policies today.

Hmm...maybe we should send Bush, Cheney and McCain a copy?

Strobe Light

In case you have noticed, I tend to write a bunch and then nothing at all for quite a while.

I like to think of myself as a strobe light:
brilliantly bright one moment, silent and contemplative the next.